I'm losing in the game of life!


Well-Known Member
Several years ago I was happy, worked very hard at my job and had plenty of money to enjoy myself, drove a nice car and lived on my own all while attending the local university and getting above average grades.

Now I'm living in my parents unfinished basement, I'm broke and can barely afford my car. No longer do I attend classes and I feel as if I could just sit down here for he rest of my life and not do anything. Nothing makes me happy and Ive fallen out with most of my friends. I'm entirely anti social and I can't even talk to another human being either because I don't want to or I don't know how. When a friend calls me up to hit up the bars for the weekend just the thought of going out makes me very nervous, my heart pounds in my chest and I feel like at any moment I will lose control of myself. My idea of a vacation is to pack up some outdoor gear and hike into the mountains and live in isolation for the rest of my time. I feel like my parents are strangers so I don't want to talk to them about it. I'm not sure what to do anymore.........:wall:


Well-Known Member
Dude, I feel the same way. Best thing to do is go out and have fun at the bars. After you get a few shots in you you'll forget all about feeling nervous. Go out and get a job that you enjoy. And most importantly remember that
Money < happiness.


Well-Known Member
You need to get back on your feet. I had to move back with parents also but am still moving foward to get back out. Get out meet some girls or do something than just hitting the bud in your basement. But meanwhile am enjoying the homecook meals...


Well-Known Member
Im sorry brother i know what your talkin about i just laid off and if it wern't for my indoor girls id be on the street. All i can say is don't let life bring you down. Remember theres always a way back up and negative attitude won't get you there. I think you should go and camp out for awhile, get intouch with yourself. Spend a some time with your self, A good way is to just look at your self in the mirror get reaquinted with your self. I hope all goes well for you brother.


Well-Known Member
ill try to give u some advice, what you need is to find your motivation obviously. sometimes listening to my favorite music brings my motivation back up. you kno what u need to do your just not doing it.
dig down deep and ask ur self if u want to win the game of life, are u gunna just roll up and die like a cowerd or are u guna ride it out? u kno how it feels to be doin alright and livin good but u didnt get there over night. now that youv lost it do u feel like ud be working for wat u alreaady had? maybes its true but wats also true is that u dont have it now and the only way to get it back and more is to get off ur ass and try. its easy to talk about it all day but doing its the hard part.
as far as u gettin all nervous u needa go do soemthing that will occupy ur mind like exersice helps


Well-Known Member
Im in the same spot.. However I havent found a sound solution either.. except i Am out on my own.. I just dont like my roomie anymore.. (one of my best friends) Dont like my job anymore.. it sucks feeling backed into a corner


bro i had everything u can imagine then lost it all not to drugs or anything things just dont go the way you want them to some time.im still kinda in the same spot but met the most amazing girl ever just hope things get back on track for you


New Member
yeah thats life. maybe you have an antisocial disorder. there is some meds for what you have. marijuana works for some but in your case it doesnt at all


Find a niche business my man. Niche business.

It's not about what you like doing, it's about something that's easy and will stay in business making big bucks forever.

What do people ALWAYS need? What will ALWAYS happen to people? and with that, which one will happen even MORE often during a recession?