Im lit haha cleaning tip also


Yeah Im lit up but anyway, if it take you more than 2 min to clean your peice then you are wasting time my friend! First run some hot water under your peice for 30sec or so, then add some 91% alcohol, shake the peice for 20sec, rinse and redo if needed, also use some pipe cleaners, walmart has a knock off style in the craft isle for $1 for 20 or so. Bend it to shape and scrape it, another quick 91% again and finally rinse! Spotless in 2-3min. haha im just stoned and wanted to feel helpful!!


Huh and I thought I was helping someone out haha always down to learn something new! thanks, and just using alcohol alone is not worthless, atleast not the 91% kind, my bowl gets alot of resin and i get it clean in 2-3min still quick...


Well-Known Member
Huh and I thought I was helping someone out haha always down to learn something new! thanks, and just using alcohol alone is not worthless, atleast not the 91% kind, my bowl gets alot of resin and i get it clean in 2-3min still quick...
It definitely still works, but with alcohol only, there is nothing abrasive swishing around in there so it takes longer to get the resin off. Just try using salt with it ONE time and you will love it. Some people also use rice but salt is best.