In a couple hours. To get on a plane. To fly to Costa Rica. To relax. With 0 fucking responsibilities. 4 years since that's last happened. I will update this thread with musings. And pics. I will miss you guys.
For when you return:In a couple hours. To get on a plane. To fly to Costa Rica. To relax. With 0 fucking responsibilities. 4 years since that's last happened. I will update this thread with musings. And pics. I will miss you guys.
Fucking tickets went way back up.
Dont get me started. It would turn all political. Lemme just say he is asleep and afraid to be awoken. Lol
Fucking tickets went way back up.
Southwest. Sac to ontario. Gonna be around 360 round trip for each of us. Right before and right after the holidays. My Dad is moving to Kentucky(lmao) with my step brothers family and it might be the last time we see him.
guess i’m paying $360 for each of us.
All that guy cares about are the churchesKentucky is very nice. But there are some backroads I wouldn't go down without being with certain people.......kinda like anywhere else in the world lol
Good bourbon, good food and the black barns are very cool.
Dont get me started. It would turn all political.
All that guy cares about are the churches
That's all well and good but we live in California.Kentucky is very nice. But there are some backroads I wouldn't go down without being with certain people.......kinda like anywhere else in the world lol
Good bourbon, good food and the black tobacco barns are very cool.