I'm just stumped...is this heat issue or nutrition issue....

[email protected]

Active Member
Calling all pro's....OK here is the situation... I just currently setup a grow tent and moved the plants in it. I just transplanted them into a 3 gallon bucket last week and I just realized the random leaves are starting to get brown spots on them starting to be crunchy. I haven't gave them any fertilizer for last three weeks. Should I give them food now? Or should I wait another week? How can I handle the leaves issue? Do they look like heat issues or nutrient issues?

Maybe this might help.... ph is 6.8, its around 84 -87 degrees in the tent since its summer here.... Any suggestion is very helpful now.. I'm just stumped....



Active Member
My mothers gets like that under T-5's if I forgot to put Cal/Mag in for a couple days. It's always on the older fan leaves too.