I'm in desperate need of advice for my sick plants! Please help! - First Time Grow

This is my first grow so I am very new to dealing with deficiencies and need help pinpointing exactly what's wrong with my plants and how to fix them. My plants are 4-5 weeks into vegetative growth. They have been planted in FoxFarm soil. After posting this I will try to upload some good pictures of my plants.

Several things are wrong. First, the fan leaves are all dark, brittle to the touch, and wilting with the leaf tips/edges curling down. I think that this is traced back to the soil being over watered so I am going to try to hold back on how much I water them and let the soil dry out to see if that improves.

The bigger problem, and the one that I really need help diagnosing is the yellowing/rust colored splotches on my plants. It starts from the bottom, attacking and killing the lowest leaves first. I think that the sickness is starting from the leaf edges and moving inward. First rust colored spots all around the edges followed by yellow/gray spots that consume the whole leaf and take it down. I've also noticed a slight redish/purplish color on the stems of the sick leaves.

I have a few ideas of different deficiencies it may be, but I just don't know. I've tried my best to research it on my own but I really need help from somebody who knows what they are doing and can tell me how to fix this. I don't want to lose my girls. ):
The air temp stays around 65-75, and the humidity between 60 and 70%. I used the turquoise FoxFarm "Ocean Forest" potting soil. It says that it's made from premium select earthworm castings and bat guano. I have also been fertilizing the plants with Fox Farm Grow Big liquid plant food. It has a 6-4-4 ratio.


Active Member
lay off the nutes man, an abundance of N from the nutrients is fucking with what the soil is already amended with (ewc, guano) and possibly locking out other nutes (hence multiple def symptoms). The fourth week (from what I've read) is when you begin adding minute amounts of veg nutes to Ocean forest soil. Maybe give it a good leaching when the soil dries out but without pics I can't tell if the problem is detrimental to the survival of your plant.... Overwatering and lockout will give you some headaches on your first grow, good luck man.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Im going to guess its nutrient burn, but you need to show some pics and also how much of the nutrients youve been adding and for how long


Well-Known Member
well thats not good but thats far from really bad. lay off the nutes and watch her closely. good luck

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i would get that plant into a bigger container with more soil without nutes. then water it just enough to dampen the new soil. feel how heavy the pot is and dont water again until the pot dries and feels much lighter.

i like to wait until the soil dries some before transplanting, but i think if that was my plant i would tranplant now and the new soil will help wick some of the damp soil away that you have now.
From the first week of veg until now I've been feeding them 2 tsp with Fox Farm "Grow Big" fert every other day (in accordance withwd the package). After letting the soil dry and flushing, should I decrease the amount of fertilizer or keep the same amount and feed them less frequently?


Active Member
well ya what smoke said prolly use a lil more room and i dont think your drainage is that great, might be wrong and your humidity 2 high keep under 50 if can.
i would get that plant into a bigger container with more soil without nutes. then water it just enough to dampen the new soil. feel how heavy the pot is and dont water again until the pot dries and feels much lighter.

i like to wait until the soil dries some before transplanting, but i think if that was my plant i would tranplant now and the new soil will help wick some of the damp soil away that you have now.
So is it safe to transplant while they're this sick? Also, should we consider other brands of soil for this transplant? If so, what do you recommend?

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i always use a soiless mix like pro-mix or sunshine mix. comes in a 3.8 cubic foot bale.

alot of your problem may just be over watering. how often do you water?

i have never used the ocean forest soil but i use fox farm nutes. the soiless mix doesnt really have any nutes in but i dont have to feed the plant for at least 2 weeks into veg. but i may start them early with a very weak dose to get them used to the nutes.

its ok to transplant now but, the soil could fall apart where as if it was drier, the roots would hold it all together better.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
whats your humidity level? how long do you think it will take to dry out? you could wait a couple days before transplanting.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i dont think the ocean forest has much for nutes in it. so use that when you tranplant. the plant look nice and green so it shouldnt need a feeding for a couple of waterings. if the plant has a big root sytem in that container, it shouldnt take long for it to dry out.
When I replant tomorrow should I try introducing a soiless mix or should I just continue with the FoxFarm but cut back how much water/fertilizer I use.

Also, I have been feeding the plants with 2 TSP of FoxFarm Grow Big every other day mixed with a gallon of water, and giving them just water on the other days.


:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:,Hey Brother-man...Too many goodies for the water is what You described to Me,in your detailed description-well done. It's the urge thing,for we all see the Professionally Shot Gorgeous Photography of
"Moose Cola's at Christmas Light City,U.S.A.-,They sparkle & intrigue me now for 45 years and as a person
who enjoys being alive and loves a healthy gardens-my suggestion friend is take it slow,read The Marijuana
Growers Bible carefully (maybe turn down the Corners of certain pages.I do.Go to your local garden store and check out the better Coco(soiless)soil.You will maybe checkout either the Minerals and Powdered Nutrients,
Green sand,dolomite,etc.Tread lightly with your solutions,maybe use sparingly? Your "biggest deal",is keep-
ing your Water PH'd at no less than 5.5Ph and never more than 6.5Ph.Everything always calls for something
different anyway & 1st time stick to one Strain and being clean & warm_w/the right humidity......You got to


Hello again 1st time grower w/brittle leaves!!! I have a hunch you allready know the answer to your own posed question? I,personally,became so fixated with my stable,that it became my everything,period.An expression of
a personal nature took me to heighths and tread in a spiritual direction, daily in the garden. I watch the 5.5Ph'd water everyday I make a solution.I use Dyna-gro products and many others,but I'm organic & selective as hell.
Very Best to You. kcheetah 1/22/12:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: