I'm hiding behind SCIENCE...

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[QUOTE="miss J, post: 11525922, member: 891697"
Hey Yessica
Hey Miss J - thanks for coming to hang out with us pervs! We are not welcome everywhere. People get butt hurt.

This is the THIRD thread like this we've tried. Hopefully we can hide behind science long enough to get into some trouble...hahah


hahahahaha - I accidentally pasted Goodbye horses in the message when I was trying to edit it. It stays. hahahaha
Yes but NO!!!! Safe sane and consensual. That movue
I read the book, I didn't movie though.

Heard it was shitty. Pity - the book was good. Only read the first one though. I like my written porn full on or nothing. Too much angst for me.
So i was bangin this chick, and she wants me to choke her. She has a little kid and a "man" but hes slippin..anyway i was really uncomfortable, cause rape or her dude or just being weird. But i did it

Felt like sharing..
Im sure theres some science in her weird fetishes

And i felt weird watching the thread without posting in it
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