I'm having trouble posting


Active Member
I have having some problems issues with my first grow and would love some feedback. I started these seeds in paper towels than moved them to a germination chamber with B-1 in the water and no lights. I think this is where I went wrong, the plaints popped out very quickly maybe within a day but I didn't turn on the light for four days. So when I did finally turn on the light (24w florescent) they were an inch or two tall (I also added some grow big nuts). So when the leaves started to grow the stem could no longer support the leaves. I used tooth picks and straws to support the stems hoping they would become stronger. Four days later I moved them to my drain and fill table using B-1 and grow big nuts with 400w hps (temp 80-90 humidity 60-70). I moved ten plaints and none of them were able to support their leaves. Now, eight days later most of them are still unable to support their leaves. A few seem to have recovered but the ones that didn’t have obvious weak points at the base of their stem. I do have a fan in the room indirectly blowing on the plaints so they get barely enough of a breeze to make them move. Is there anything else I can do for this? Or have I completely missed the mark on this and there is something else going wrong?



Active Member
Sorry about that, I guess that was just a test post because I tried to make the current OP a couple times and it didn't work.

edit: I guess I do suck at the internet because I can't figure out how to edit the thread title.


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Well-Known Member
I think u started the nute to soon and your distance to your light is causing them to stretch. transplant them in bigger containers and bury them really deep, in comparison to length of stems. Wait a week just giving them ph'd water and then slowly pick back up on your nutes. They'll bounce back.. Good Luck

I need someone help this is my first time growing weed Iam using a Day spot clamp on light 150W. it’s been about 10 weeks and there no sign of buds I am using BioBizz Bio-Bloom (1-3-2) encourages abundant flowering and fruit production by supplying much needed macro- and micronutrients as well as enzymes and amino and BioBizz Bio-Grow (2-0.1-6) liquid fertilizer is ideal for promoting lush growth during the vegetative cycle, particularly in soil gardens and BioBizz Root Juice helps plants quickly and easily absorb needed nutrients resulting in higher yields and stronger, more resilient plants.
Here are some pictures can
Can anyone tell me if these are females?