I'm having serious problems with worms/ caterpillars and mites please help


Well-Known Member
If their already eating ur buds u need to search through them constant and l
Kill them one by one

To prevent them get a bug zapper early in the year to kill the moths that lay the eggs


Well-Known Member
BOMB THAT SHIT! Haha. But seriously, if you're in veg, then an easy way to handle the issue is a pyrethrin bomb! If you're into flower the situation gets a little stickier, but figuratively and literally. I use Mighty wash once every 4 weeks and Neem Oil wash every 2 weeks to keep mites away. We had an infestation about a year ago and haven't seen one since.


Well-Known Member

Botanical Insecticide, Miticide, and Nematicide

AzaMax is a natural product with a broad spectrum of pest control and broad plant applications. AzaMax is made from special Azadirachtin Technical extracted using patented extraction technology from Neem, a tree known for it’s innumerable benefits. AzaMax contains Azadirachtin A&B as active ingredients and more than 100 limonoids from it’s special technology. The special feature of AzaMax is that it does not use hard chemical solvents and uses food grade formulation ingredients. AzaMax is licensed in all 50 states.
AzaMax is an antifeedant and insect growth regulator and controls pests through starvation and growth disruption. AzaMax effectively controls spider mites, thrips, fungus gnats, aphids, whiteflies, leaf miners, worms, beetles, leafhoppers, scales, mealy bugs, nematodes and other soil borne pests. Best of all, AzaMax can be applied up to the time or day of harvest. The product is exempted from residue tolerance, thus there is no harmful residue on veggies, fruits, herbs and flowers etc. Truly, AzaMax is a product of Nature in tune with Technology.
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