Im growing only 2 plants,will it stink up my whole apt


Well-Known Member
Im growing 2 plants in my closet. Do you think i will have a marijuana oder In my small apartment, from just 2 plants,,,to the point where i need a masker,or air purifier


Well-Known Member
so 2 plants of a nice strain,,,in a closet,,that i can close the door(with a fan in it ) u dont think my whole apartment will smell like marijuana???


Well-Known Member
Its going to smell no matter what. The soil by itself gives of curious odors. If your trying to be stealth always go carbon.


Well-Known Member
buy an ionizer! Make sure it doesnt produce ozone though.

I had one b52 male that stank my whole house out. and it was only a month old.

An ionizer will sort the smell of two plants , if its good enough.


Active Member
i used to live in a appartment, and i remember they use to always do surprize checks every so often
if they do that there then u might not want to grow it at all =/


Well-Known Member
what the cheapest ioner i can buy??? or air neutralizer that will work,,,i want cheap,,but itl work i saw some for 10 bucks those are around my price range help!!! my plants are 2 days old only,,,but will sink very soon im sure!!! im going to a hydroponic shop in a few weeks,so il be able to buy something cheap,,or even on amazon if u guys can suggest something il love u!! cheap though im broke!!


Well-Known Member
One side comment,,im growing 2 plants using 2 blue CFL's= 3000 Lumen,,,,this will be ok for vegatative ????? When i go to blooming,,i will add 4 RED spectrum CFL's 42 WATT each,,,pretty much the largest i can grow,,,for blooming,,i only plan to Bloom 1 plant. In the end i will have 2 blues for vegging,,,then 6 all together ( 4 more red ones) for blooming just 1 plant,,,,,i will have a nice bounty im a newbie but this is what i was told help!


Well-Known Member
well some strains are good for stealth grows coz they have little odour when growing,it dont mean it aint good stuff,,,,,other strains will stink up ya home,,,white satins a good strain for stealth grows if ya worried about smell,,,,,,,,,,peace


Well-Known Member
you can use both the red and blue bulbs from start to finish,more red than blue when flowering tho for a better yeild,,,,,,,,,,,,peace


Well-Known Member
your telling me 6 42 watt CFL's for 1 plant wont be enough,everyone told me thats the norm 6 for 1,,,i should be good,maybe not maximize yield,,but almost do it,,,can anyone tell me