im gonna use cfls?


Well-Known Member
so i read in the faq, and im gonna go with cfls. now im gonna be growing like 2-4 plants. so im just wondering, what kind of cfls should i get? ive heard about like blue and red light? what is each for? and also how many bulbs do i need for like say a closet with 2 full size plants? cause i really dont want to have more than 2 big plants i dont think. but for veg state, what kind of cfls should i get? all i really knwo is i want soemthing cheap with high watts.


Junior Creatologist
just hook up some sunlight and some daylight CFLs. like 3 100w CFLs - one daylight, and two sunlight would work just fine for somethin like 2-4 plants for veg. maybe just another one or two for flowering, but youll be good man.

good luck!



Active Member
I'm using 4 42 watt cfl with clamps reflector lamps and my plants are looking nice i wont get much yield but its my first grow and i didn't want to spend much money
forget all that you can get one hydrofarm or brightwing cfl 125 watt with 10,500 lumens 6400k for veg and 125 warm2700 for bloom.that would be better with onelight or go with t5 floros beter than thelittle cfl bulbs


Well-Known Member
i thot that u need a lot of cfls and the bigger the better all over the plant to help with penetration. One will only hit so much and that is the prob with cfls, the penetration. I a nub with the cfls and am trying myself to veg. I got 1 100 watt over 1 plant clone right now. I will probably add another at leat soon and so as the plant need it. If i dont nned more i will be stoked. Also does the big bulb u mentioned need a special socket or can anything be used?
it come with a socket for it. u want a small grow for bud tosmoke for about a week a 2 go cfls you want bud to smoke for month or so go hps that simple.


Well-Known Member
yeah my 400 hid doing ok i got some clones straight to 12 and some to veg just to seee what i like better
read up on sea of green you will be impressed