i'm going to try & not jerk off until 4/20


Well-Known Member
WHY !? if i go more then a few days without doing so , lets just say an extra large landing space is required.


Well-Known Member
Your gonna sneak in a tug or two...lol
Just take it easy in the shower dont need that thing goin off on ya.

Maybe subcontract it out for a while, it's always better when someone else does the dirty work for you. ;)


Well-Known Member
Why risk prostrate health?
You need to come/cum at least 3 times per week to keep prostrate cleaned out...just consider it exercise....
Every week, for your whole life...from the time you are of age...
Then when you are 70 you wont have prostrate problems...
Men over 40 ? Better keep wacking, or you will end with a high PSA number...
I guarantee that no doctors have prostrate problems, cause they know...
BTW... My PSA number is .7 [point seven] normal for my age is 4... four...
Don't do damage... wack away...


Well-Known Member
Let me clarify it's not so sad that you don't have anybody else to help you but more sad that you feel the need to make a post about it, or deprive yourself of yourself if you're all you have.


Well-Known Member
I still say he's gonna do it. It is such a big issue he posted about that he will surely take matters in his own hands soon enough.


Well-Known Member
Sperm are nasty, toxic little creatures with explosive heads.
Then need to be released and killed before they kill.
