I'm going Back To Mexico

Ever see the look people get right after a massive hit of rock?

Looks like this
Yeah, I feel really bad for little finshaggy. I kinda want to take him in under my wing and hold him tight. He's just misguided youth who needs a hand up. I think I WILL send him some money so he can go to Juarez ASAP. Unfortunately I do not trust electronic money, so I will need his mailing address to send a fat check. Fin, send me your address so I can send a check. It will be certified, return receipt requested so only you can get it. Let me know....

and by take you under my wing and hold you tight, you know I mean triangle choke.....
Hurry though, cause I'm goin back to Cali...

Hurry though, cause I'm goin back to Cali...


i thought same thing even thought to google going back to mexico
then rolled another blunt and got another beer and said fuck it
I'm going to live in Mexico for 6 months to a year, and I'm gonna make videos, write articles and take pictures. While educating the youth abut bitcoins (and smoking lots of weed, while teaching them to make hash)
1 down. 120,000,000 more million kids togo

i wish these silly threads clogging up our forum would stop. whats the point of this thread even? someoen explain, OP?
hey do you think having your corpse hung from an overpass improves your google rank? It's sure to make for some awesome memes