im getting disapointed


Well-Known Member
A lot of strains are slow growers early on.......maybe you need more light or a bigger dose of fertilizer. Maybe the medium is too cold. Lots of reasons it could be but most likely it's genetics.


Active Member
during the first few weeks of life cannabis focuses mainly on its root system, making the part above ground look as though little is happening. if the plants are more than a few weeks old and still don't seem to be growing much, it could be any number of factors, including not enough light, not enough nutrients, etc.


Well-Known Member
i like slow cause too fast can be a mess and a hassle,vegging with a mh or 6500k cfls expect slower vertical growth than vegging with hps or 2700k cfls.What kind of lights are you using?


Active Member
how about some pics or at least a setup list. as SSHZ said cannabis works on one thing at a time mostly. roots then stalk. do not overwater/overfert just be patient. before you know it they shoot up, almost seems like over night. How old is the plant? this is a hobby for patience! dont hawk eye your plants.
m groing in a ten gallon tank in solo cups right now they are about a week old..i have a 5 inch fan 3 60 watt cfl's and my tank is lined in aluminum foil...and i know it was probly a mistake but i used miracle grow root development potting soil for my medium...but my plants shot up fast and just seemed to nutes it is to early for that i think
and that is a week since sprouted not since planted...the one one is two weeks since sprouted and it looks the worst..i think i planted that one to deep


two weeks since sprouting the plant is develloping it's rootsystem.
don't worry too much and wait no nutes and lots of love and it will be allright


Active Member
m groing in a ten gallon tank in solo cups right now they are about a week old..i have a 5 inch fan 3 60 watt cfl's and my tank is lined in aluminum foil...and i know it was probly a mistake but i used miracle grow root development potting soil for my medium...but my plants shot up fast and just seemed to nutes it is to early for that i think
Info on the soil:
How to Use

For Seed Starting

  • Select a shallow container with a drain hole.
  • Fill container.
  • Plant seeds according to package directions.
  • Water; let drain.
  • Keep moist and out of direct sunlight.

For Establishing Cuttings

  • Fill container with Miracle-Gro® Seed Starting Potting Mix.
  • Water thoroughly.
  • Make holes with a pencil.
  • Insert cuttings, pressing mix around stems.
  • Keep moist and out of direct sunlight.

For spectacular results when transplanting, remember to use Miracle-Gro Quick Start Plant Food.
When to Apply

Use when starting plants from seeds or rooting leaf, stem or root cuttings.
Where to Use

Container Plants
Where Not to Use

In-Ground Gardens

  • For fast root development
  • Excellent for starting cuttings
  • Enriched with Miracle-Gro® Plant Food and MircoMax® nutrients
Fertilizer Analysis

.05 - .05 - .05
Container Type


looks like you need to start adding nutrients, my guess. Specially with such low nitrogen. Their MG MC 6 mo. is 0.21 - 0.07 - 0.14, where as the Nitrogen might be too high.. Though it never did seem to burn my plants... just very dark green leaves (N loaded lol )


Active Member
I understand the post above about the 2 weeks with the root development... but I am not sure if they are taking that long to develop in that soil... hrm.. never mind my suggestion I guess.
i understand where your comin from on that fast root development mix says on the bag that it is enriched with plant food..but ive heard alot of ppl say not to use nutes and ferts when the cannabis plant is still a seedling


Active Member
well.... they are correct due to burning the roots.. but even on 'unknown' genetic plants (bag seed) where as one even went herm on me due to genetics, lived through MG MC 6mo.. though I was using Netty pots and only watering from saucer up.. until they started to develop (once I had seen the pod leaves die off) I would water a bit from top and fill saucer... they went wild :). My hydro guy who said that roots organic feeds for 2 weeks said that they would not burn the roots (though I will be using the same method as with MG).


Active Member
I have purchased the fox farm trio... though I will be using this once I get good seeds. (though I am using a very diluted tiger bloom to help boost some phosphorus that MG MC seems to be lacking on). I got a special on them from my hydro guy.. though he did not have Fox Farm soil... at least he said he 'didn't' :)

Oh, and the thing I like about that is that they have a specific feeding schedule for cannabis through the whole cycle (will be purchasing their flushing agent once I am full roots organic)