Im freakin out, brown edes


Active Member
plants starting to look sad. 1/4 strength nutes. ph at 6. 79F 45% humidity, oscillating fan. Please tell me why my leaves are dieing.



Well-Known Member
Looks like the beginnings of nutrient burn, a salt buildup perhaps. What's your runoff ppm? I'd flush with ph'd water and hold off on the nutrients until you see new growth.


Well-Known Member
plants starting to look sad. 1/4 strength nutes. ph at 6. 79F 45% humidity, oscillating fan. Please tell me why my leaves are dieing.
Can you give us more info? What kind of set up? What is your nutrient PPM? If you are using and ebb-flow or drip system how often are you watering?


Active Member
I have been watering by hand, no system. I will move them to drip or ebb n flow if they get healthy. I have also been using standard measure instead of checking ppm, though I have a Hanna. Im still intimidated by it.


Well-Known Member
I have been watering by hand, no system. I will move them to drip or ebb n flow if they get healthy. I have also been using standard measure instead of checking ppm, though I have a Hanna. Im still intimidated by it.
You need to check your PPM, also make sure not to over saturate your rockwool the leaves are drooping a bit. Standard measure is an inaccurate way of ensuring proper nutrient levels. Check your Ph as well (should be 5.8 for hydro). :peace:


Well-Known Member
it doesn't look bad enough to flush. just water with plain water once or twice, then use cut nutes after.