I'm finally gonna take that dive, help me not to fall on my face... (DIY Cab Grow)

Marla 420

Well-Known Member
Hello to all the RIU community,

This is kinda gonna be my journal through the journey that is my design and setup. I first started lurking on these forums about 2-3 years ago and have read and studied a good amount . Never had the ability to do anything special or custom. I'm pretty much a newb (Have mercy), but I'm willing to put in the time and effort. I would really appreciate any input from my fellow members. I can handle criticism too brah, so come at me : )

Well..... I don't have a Cab yet but I did go shopping today and I found a couple of good wood cabs but I came across a CL ad for Steel storage cabinet. I thought to myself that's perfect, just like those professional grow boxes they sell for 2 g's. The Cab is only 100 bucks and they sell for 209 or 260 (I don't know which model it is yet),so it seems like a good deal. What do you guys think? I talked to an older woman and she said that she lost the key/knob?I didn't understand her. Can I replace/Fix that somehow? Maybe just hang hinges on it with a lock? She said it was a Sandusky 72inchH that she got from Office Depot she isn't really sure though.

I think it's one of these http://www.officedepot.com/a/products/561375/Realspace-72-Steel-Storage-Cabinet-With/


So what do you think guys? Think I can grow some good medicine in that? I plan on going big in a SOG with a small compartment for Veg/Moms. I'm thinking 600w with Hempy 2 liters but none of that Is set in stone. Bubbleponics seems good but is seems to take more energy and make more noise (Then Hempy) but as I said, I'm willing to do whatever is necessary for a stealthy good cabinet. What do you guys think?

Ps. My step father is cool and said he has a jig with a metal attachment (Whatever that is) so he can cut through it for the customization of it.


Marla 420

Well-Known Member
Ohh and I only plan on buying one, sorry she sent me a pic of 2.

Edit - Now looking at it that may only fit as my flowering Chamber. Moms and clones need to go somewhere else.