Im finally back


Active Member
kk. heres the story.
ive been gone for quite sometime(never grown anything before, but i have been active on these forums). and i wanna start growing..

i have seed..stain unknown.

and throughout my town there are a series of "sumps"
i was wondering if its possible to plant seeds in these areas.

Massive amount of sunlight, and when it rains, the plants would be watered sufficiently.

is it possible?


Well-Known Member
kk. heres the story.
ive been gone for quite sometime(never grown anything before, but i have been active on these forums). and i wanna start growing..

i have seed..stain unknown.

and throughout my town there are a series of "sumps"
i was wondering if its possible to plant seeds in these areas.

Massive amount of sunlight, and when it rains, the plants would be watered sufficiently.

is it possible?
If there is drainage I don't see why not.


Well-Known Member
What exactly is a sump?

And where are you at that you could start growing now, or is this in prep for next year? If it is for next year, I know alot of people suggest starting with bag seed for your first grow, but with all the work you're going to put in, it seems kind of foolish to not get the absolute best possible product, and good genetics is an important part.


Well-Known Member
im sure youll have seed next year .. so just plant some now! .. plant about 5 and see how much bud youll get .. dont worry about nute .. just clear a little plot for your plants


Active Member
hey thanks fellas.
yea..there is tons of drainage

i think its to late to plant now...cause i only have a month or 2 at most before it gets cold outside..but next year is a real possibility


Well-Known Member
wet a paper towel and put ur seeds in it fold it up and place in a sandwich baggy... place in a warm dark place.. like in ur cars glove box, etc


Well-Known Member
I sit mine on top my direct tv box. its just warm enough for good germination. I also cover it with an upsidedown lid of somesort.