I'm F**king paranoid


Well-Known Member
Wat it do RIU..

well the title say it all. i just smoked sum widow alone(srry no piks)and its dead silent in my house. I have the weird feeling you have when your getting chased by the police if you have ever been threw that. I think it's my adrenaline pumping dose anyone else every have that feeling.


Well-Known Member
Wait!........ What?............ Whos that?............. What?............. Hello!............. Is anybody there?................. This isnt funny you guys:(.......................... Hello!...................What do you want from me?...................Hello!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Things that go BUMP in the night... ALWAYS... give us a trembling fright..
When your alone NOTHING is right... EVERY SOUND IS OUT OF YOUR SIGHT.....


Active Member
its interesting how some people get paranoid off sativa highs.
i verrrry rarely get paranoid, generally only when i have other sketchy problems that are made worse by weed. but if i do sketch its NEVERRR off a nice kind sativa. its always the body fuck up indicas that sketch me out! strange hm!


New Member
My sister in law finally quit weed because of panic attacks. She told her doctor about her usage and of course he was like, "well, there yah go". So she quit.

She still has them.


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Staff member
I tend to get a bit freaky if I hit it hard all at once while straight. The ramp up is what does it to me (and I recognize that fact) so my strategy is to take a couple hits & wait 30 min or so & then hit again after that.
I don't like getting stoned, but I like being stoned. How strange is that?