lool! Cheques are traceable too bruv...lol
you really are a hater and apparently illiterate too. already been posted in this thread by srh88 ("FENDER" avatar. post #47) that his $500 of free stuff is in the mail and scheduled to arrive Thursday. he's tracking the Fedex. If you doubt anymore of it then go find member mysunnyboy (post #19) and ask her if she got her $500 gift certificate.
learn how to read bro! i tried to give away a $1000 gift certificate in a thread that i started in the attempt to draw more attention to FDD's families situation in hopes that more people would donate. I offered up a $1000 gift certificate and pledged $5000 to FDD. the thread was closed. feel free to go and find it yourself on my profile page under "started threads."
just cause you are cynical hater doesn't mean you need to shit on everyone else's parade. after they closed my thread they banned me for a week until yesterday. had no way to contact FDD till now. now we are in contact via email. like he said...wire transfers would look funny. i gave him several choices and he wanted the check.
you wanna know who still does checks?... a lot of people. that's why they are called "Checking Accounts" DUH!!! wanna know why i use checks...cause they come from my business account in the U.S. and if you had ever owned a business in your life you'd have had a checkbook as well. The only reason FDD doesn't have the check this second is cause i'm in Costa Rica 7 months out of the year. do a little research and you'll get the point. So, i have to get my assistant to write a check out of the book when she comes back to work at the office on Thursday when we open again.
As for the rest of your hate...just go away dude. we're trying to do something good here and all you do is shit on people and the whole idea.
P.S. srh88...feel free to share your experiences with me; your gift because of me. feel free to tell this clown what they told you about me.
As for Kenny Ken....while you sit and fester in your own anger that the world has given you shit because you don't have the balls to go out and take it...i'll be doing this on 1 of my 3 boats...