I'm disapointed with Rollitup


Well-Known Member
I havent been around for a while since my last grow but my friend has a decent setup and is having some problems....I suggested he ask the guys at rollitup as my last grow never would have succeeded without all the help and advice i got at rollitup......so my buddy signs up and posts his question to which he got very limited response.....even more frustrating is the fact that the responses all contradict each other......add nutes....too much nutes.....heat burn.....BASICLY NO HELP WHATSOEVER.......i KNOW YOU GUYS CAN DO BETTER FOR MY FRIEND......and i wont look like I'm full of it for telling him to come here.......please look at this and offer an oppinion....I have faith.... https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/215249-nooob-problem.html


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately most of the people on these grow forums don't have a clue as to what they are talking about. I learned most of what I know through trial and error. I only answer questions when I absolutely know the answer based on my own experiences.


Well-Known Member
my experience with rollitup was very good.....if someone said something that was incorrect someone would usualy point it out and why......after a few days reading responses i felt i had a good chance of success if i followed the general consensus of rollitup members......of coarse you always get the odd piece of advice that you have to take with a grain of salt......but if 2 people say its nute burn and 10 people say add nutes....i added nutes....that worked fine for me when i had problems


Well-Known Member
The other problem with this forum is that there are too many people viewing and asking questions - a new thread can go off of the first page in a matter of hours and get lost in the shuffle - never to be seen again. I enjoy this forum but when I really need an answer - I go to another forum where it's not as crouded and usually get an intelligent answer.


Well-Known Member
rollitup has definitely grown alot since my last grow.....twice as many people on the site.....hell theres 1600 people on the site right now


Well-Known Member
To be quite honest, I wouldn't know a single thing if it werent for rollitup. Yes, people contradict each other, but usually, the truth comes out somewhere. I have grown a pretty nice plant for the first plant ever. All thanks to rollitup members. Other sites are good too, so don't get me wrong about them. Hell, there are a lot of people though, so the page pushin' thing is kinda shitty some times.


Well-Known Member
I havent been around for a while since my last grow but my friend has a decent setup and is having some problems....I suggested he ask the guys at rollitup as my last grow never would have succeeded without all the help and advice i got at rollitup......so my buddy signs up and posts his question to which he got very limited response.....even more frustrating is the fact that the responses all contradict each other......add nutes....too much nutes.....heat burn.....BASICLY NO HELP WHATSOEVER.......i KNOW YOU GUYS CAN DO BETTER FOR MY FRIEND......and i wont look like I'm full of it for telling him to come here.......please look at this and offer an oppinion....I have faith.... https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/215249-nooob-problem.html
Hey Bravo, good to see ya back. I went a popped in ( or is it spelled 'pooped' :shock:) on your buddy, go see what ya think, perhaps we could be on to something


Well-Known Member
I have always checked all posts a person has made to gauge how knowledgeable they are and whether people disagree with there opinions.....if your willing to put the time in, you can verify whether a person is credible or not.....but it has to start with people replying to your question.......when you ask a question and only get 3 opinions that all contradict each other it doesnt help


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately most of the people on these grow forums don't have a clue as to what they are talking about. I learned most of what I know through trial and error. I only answer questions when I absolutely know the answer based on my own experiences.
I won't comment on the first part of your statement, but I agree with you on the fact that the only way to really learn what you are doing is through trial and error and only that way.

Also to the OP I would suggest your friend asks the same question on 2 or three different boards at once. That's a good way of getting a lot of info at once from a lot of people.


Elite Rolling Society
There is a lot of the blind leading the blind here, but then, I was once one of them. I wanted to offer help and advice , and more-so, I needed help and advice.

Fdd2blk says it is a Forum for asking questions, and not a forum for referring everyone to the FAQ. I try to answer at least a dozen newbie UNANSWERED questions everyday here , except for the SOIL and HID Light questions..

As far as your being disappointed, I'm sorry, we all get out of this site, what we are willing to put into it. I'm happy with what I get and learn.


Well-Known Member
i bet hes not getting alot of replys because he stacked pics next to each other. i know im not gonna scroll back and forth dozens of times to read his problems. making your posts easy to read is a key to getting them read.


Well-Known Member
i bet hes not getting alot of replys because he stacked pics next to each other. i know im not gonna scroll back and forth dozens of times to read his problems. making your posts easy to read is a key to getting them read.

Slik, you may know what the problem is though and it is his first grow. The first pic says it all. Hit the quote button on his post and then his p(r)oast will be all in a tight little nut shell for ya no scrolling or anything.

grow space

Well-Known Member
i dont understand-this site is great, can get good advice, but why these noobs post their lame ass questions and hope that all the others will do the work 4 them.i learned to grow by a experimental grow and reading about 2-3 bibles.
