Well-Known Member
Lets say I have 4 4x4 trays with 1000 watts over each... I know light movers seems unnecessary because many people believe 1000 watters are perfectly suited for a 4x4 area because afterall, it is 62.5 watts a sqft... but... is it really? I'm starting to think that 62.5 watts a sqft would only apply to the area directly under the bulb and that the intensity would disperse as the distance from the bulb increased... it's logical enough to assume at least.... Well either way, I'm aiming for the mythical 3lbs a light and I'm thinking that light movers, even over such a short distance might be the way to go... it's at least worth an experiment... Please please please chime in with your opinions, especially if you're familiar with light movers... thanks in advance...