Im conducting an experiment need advice or input


I am workin on my third grow (will have pictures up soon) and instead of watering im basically putting the containers in bins of water with an air pump and will add plant food to the water as is needed. if anyone has useful advice or can give me a better way to go about this its much appreciated....Happy Blazin:weed:

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
If you have the plants in soil pots, do NOT let the roots sit continually wet. It's called over-watering. Over watering is not about how much water you use, it's about how long the roots are wet before drying out. They need to dry out between waterings.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I think I know what you mean.
Passive Hydroponics
I have these tubs in both rooms but no air stone. I put a gallon of water or nuted water in the flower room tubs once a week.
It take about 2 or 3 days for them to suck the water from the tub, then dry out a bit then add another gallon. Plants will use more later in flowering.
You have to get a feel for how much is enough.
