i'm closing shop


Well-Known Member
we've been in 20-30 degrees highs for the last 3 days in the northeast. got about a 1/2 inch of snow on the ground. Its supposed to hit 48 tomorrow! im excited!


Well-Known Member
I could easily become a hermit, as long as I have internet. I just don't like people, they're dumb and I don't want to be around them. I love the internet, it makes it easier to find people just like me to talk to.

It's nice, all us hermits gettin to have friends, I feel bad for the hermits who lived before the internet was invented.
Ah hahahaha,that is hands down the best speel ive ever heard in my life,true as a mofo & describes most of us to a tee.

I laughed so hard that i got the hiccups after thinking about it for a minute,the monty python type hermits had to have been fuked.



Well-Known Member
i can mig/tig/and arc with that. i bookmarked it. :hump::hump:
I dont blame ya one bit,im not in the game now (never will be again) but i was in it very heavily in the 1970's through the early 1980's,it get's to a point where being in the business changes the way people treat you,they lie to get what they want,they act as your friend then rip you off,everything is allways about money,everybody treats you with zero respect & every large deal is like a public auction where everybody is cut throat,it got to the point with me that i was a jadded man,i'd heard enough shit where i fully understood the only thing other people wanted me around for was my product,i wasnt a friend or even a person any more i was "that guy" & it sucked.

Atleast you got a skilled trade to fall back on,i miss welding sometimes,when i was a young man i worked for a machine building operation,we built machines for the automotive industry,i was a fabricator/welder & i loved that job.

Of all the trades i worked before recieving the 2 journeyman's cards i hold right now welding was my favorite,there's something about welding & fabricating that kept the trade super interesting to me & till this day i cant put my finger on why i was so interested in that feild of work,it was the best work related experience in my entire life,if i close my eyes i can still smell the burnt ozone smell from the mig system.

Good luck,you'll do fine im sure of it.