I'm back and ready to invest into a full-on grow room!


Well-Known Member
Alrighty ladies and gents,

Some of you may remember me as I used to be a daily poster over here at RIU, but I took a break here and there, moved a couple times, read up on more growing techniques, dropped some old techniques I didn't find to be beneficial, and now here I am...ready to grow!

So my previous (and first) grow was a mild success, I had a fair yield all things considered, but this time I'm actually going to be dropping some serious cash into my room, and wanted to run some products by the community and see what everyone thinks. My last grow (link in signature) was with Foxfarm Ocean Forest under a T5 using Blue Mountain Organics compost teas and a couple other things here and there. This time I'm going to try to replicate SCOTTYBALLS Pineapple Express Waterfarm Grow (with a few alterations). I will be growing from seed (may order some new beans, or may roll with what I've got if I can find a nice heavy indica in my personal seedbank). I tend to go a bit overboard with details sometimes in hopes that people will give me constructive criticism, qualms with chosen methodologies or techniques, or reservations regarding my chosen equipment; so please don't hesitate to critique. Anywho, onto the gear:

Lumatek LK600 -
Ushio 600W MH Conversion Bulb -
Lumatek 600W High PAR HPS Bulb -
Hydrofarm Daystar Air-Cooled with 6" flange -
Subzero 6" Inline fan and 6"x24" Carbon filter -
General Hydroponics Waterfarm -
BlueLab Combo Meter -
General Hydroponics pH Control Kit -
General Hydroponics Flora Nova Bloom -
Dyna-Gro Pure Neem Oil -
Hydrofarm Lighthouse Grow Tent (55" x 55" x 84") -
Sentinel CO2 Regulator -

Now into some nitty gritty details: The Lumatek ballast will be operating on 120V at 600W through both cycles. I will be venting the tent by putting the filter inside the tent, and having the inline fan pull the interior air through it, through the lights and exit out into the room. If smell gets to be a problem come flower time, I may add some ONA into the mix. From my calculations, which very well could be off, the combination of that inline fan and carbon filter should be sufficient to suck all the air out, giving me negative pressure, and then I can allow a passive intake at the bottom of the tent. Now where my knowledge seems to fall short is with CO2 regulation. While I will only be using CO2 during the flower phase, I want to make sure I am not wasting any precious gas. With that being said, I believe I will need to put the inline fan on a timer to exchange out all the air only after all 1500PPM CO2 has been used to its fullest extent, but I'm not sure how to go about this. If anyone could shed some light onto this I would appreciate it. Also, regarding my choice of combo meter, I was a bit torn between the BlueLab combo and the Guardian meters, so if anyone feels strongly about one or another, I'd appreciate the insight.

With the Waterfarm I will be making some modifications to it, as per SCOTTYBALLS recommendation (increasing amount of drainage holes in the reservoir, and a better pump - Still need to look into what pump he recommended). Also, if you parse through SCOTTYBALLS grow jorunal, you will realize that he only uses Flora Nova Bloom throughout both cycles, claiming that it has correct ratios for both periods of growth, and with his results, how could you argue otherwise?

The tent will be completely sprayed down with Neem oil, I read this trick from MrHowardMarks (way back in the day) where he would bleach his entire room, then wash it with soap, then water, then spray it down in neem oil, and through this protocol he was never having pest problems. Especially since Neem oil is cheap, I'd rather spend the money now before I have problems then have to use it later with any sort of infestation.

As I was saying prior, I don't know too much about CO2 regulation as I've never used it before, but I have picked up a few things from here and there: Atmospheric CO2 is at about 300PPM, meaning to maintain a 1500PPM density, you only need to supplement 1200PPM CO2. So if anyone has some tips, gladly let me know.

I know, this is long as fuck.


Well-Known Member
lol ya its a little long man...maybe if i tried earlier in the day but im pretty stoned right now...
im also investing in my first large grow room. more or less building the grow room of my dreams lol. should be getting under way in about 2 months. cant wait!