Im Back and Planted


Made a thread in January showing the space I was working with. Now I am back and planted.

3 Cheese
3 Vanilla Kush. Only 1 Cheese and 2 VK sprouted and I am pretty disappointed and do not know why this happened. Any thoughts would be great.

My buddy also had an old old old super lemon haze eh wanted me to plant it germinated but didnt sprout. The ones that have sprouted seem to be healthy and well at least I hope so. Moving on....

Planted: February 28th

What does that little dent on the tip signify, anything?

I started using nutes with quarter strength of what was recommended 5 days ago, PH was at 5.0 I got it up to 6.0

I am having a little trouble keeping the humidity up I put a wet towel a humidifer and bowl of water it is now at 45-55(needs to be higher like 60-65 right?) and temperature is 65-75 with the help of a space heater on low setting.

400cfm inline fan and carbon filter( i think 650cfm)

Advice, tips, suggestions will be much appreciated thanks fellas


Come on fellas any help would be greatly appreciated, this is my first grow.

I misted my plants today with a spray bottle and two plants kinda like tipped overand stayed limp instead of staying straight up.. i picked it up gently and pressed the soil around it to keep it standing straight up.

does that mean they are getting to big for the cups and need to be moved into a bigger container?


here they are now i feel like they are growing slow but I don't know much.

orginally planted feb 28th first pictures in the op was 3/16

Today is 3/26 ten days and this is how they look
