I'm back... 400 watt hps grow ff soil first round. hempy bucket with the clones.


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alright pics are here you'll see the one im talking about in the hempy with the red. my camera sucks so i really cant get too close and good of a shot but it is what it is..

this first bunch of pics is from about 5 days ago i wanna say..



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and pictures from about an hour or so ago..



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update.. the plant that i have named white lightning, just like exploded over night, went from having few amount of bud per budsite to like 4 times the size and its lookin sexxxyyy :)
lst/test run at cloning plant, stood her more upright now and her lower colas are starting to fill in.
the big one still just gettin thicker..
then sweet dark dank is kind of doing the same thing white lightning was just not as fast..
also because i lost count of weeks at around 2-3 weeks into flower, from here on out i have just been watering with ph'd water about every 3 days..
plan to start harvest about the end of the month maybe after the first week of feb.

....,,,,,..... clone cuttings, and hempy bucket clones... welll just about every cutting i have has roots now and its only been about 10-14 days since ithey were cut.. guess my off brand Bontone rooting powder works :) also the white lightning cutting i took about 6-7 days ago is rooted now as well... so tomorrow i'll be transplanting all of the clones into hempys... gotta get started on finding 5-8 2liter bottles..


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sooooo... no work today... gonna put all my rooted clones into hempy small cups.. i really recommend this method for anyone doing hempy, because in these smaller containers it has only taken about 3-4 days for the roots to hit the res. so now i only have to water them about every 2 days... will be transplanting the first three hempys into their final 2 gallon pots in about 4-5 days from now.


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pics from today... anyone have an idea of when the flower room ladies should be ready? im thinkin another solid week, perhaps more. i know i started 12/12 around the 1st of december, give or take a couple days..



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**Also, when i transplant the first batch of clones into their final 2 gallon pots, i am going to start germinating these 2 seeds i got from a buddy.. one is BigBand and the other is Smile.. just want to have room time space etc for those two since they are the only two legit strains i have to work with as of the moment..


Well-Known Member
What's your temps at the top of your plants you got plenty of fresh air in and out?? What kinda micro nutrients those plants getting just using that bloom nute red stems and veins are a n def somethings up should have alot tighter nodes well get ya worked out can you smell those plants all over your house?


Well-Known Member
lol if nobody is at home; i.e. fiance or buddies, while im at work and i come home to no activity in the house, yes i can smell those ladies all over the house but not outside of it.
but if people are moving around, in and out of the house, then it stays fresh.. not too big of a deal though. top of the plants stay at 78-79 F steady with a humidity of 29%-42% fluxuates at times.well my micro nutes and magical are with a buddy who is trying an experiment. but i need to get them back asap.. and most def ive come to the conclusion that i am lacking in N


Well-Known Member
thanks Tym i think you are correct about my pot size... and ive always been good about watering... question for ya, how do you test your ec/ppm how do you manage your nutrient/water solution with that dwc?

and blunted i agree with you to a degree thats why im trying to figure some shyt out.. i wanna see what you got goin on bro
I personally don't.. I just feed it the recommended amount of nutes, Also you clean the tub out once a week.. You can stretch it out to every two weeks.. I have 2 tubs, I move the ladies over to the empty (pre-cleaned) tub, fill it up with new water and nutes then I'm done.

But if you do want to monitor them, you can get meters for them.
interesting grow, just read all 6 pages. Maybe try getting a magnifying glass to get a better look at the trichs. Im sure you could harvest them now, but with more clear/cloudy trichs less thc potency and also you maybe effecting taste as well. I like to havest at 70 cloudy 30 amber. 30x mag. jewelers loop=) GL


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update pics soon.... i stepped up my nute solution for the hempy buckets, and waa-laaaa !! within an 18 hr time period there is much more new healthy GREEN growth on those ladies.. also two of the small hempys roots have already hit the res at the bottom and are looking big and healthy as well...

Tym, i decided to test the ph of my water and it is good enough for i am looking for. i dont think i need a meter; one is in the near future though just to have the right numbers, and as long as i continue to use the floranova series my nute ph shouldnt be much different from my water ph.

TheBudReaper, well thank you for stopping by, i'm trying to make something good out of this experience and continue it on.. yeah im considering chopping around Feb 3rd, thats about 64-68 days under 12/12 but thats an excellent idea with the mag. glass, which i tried to attempt the other day and its just not magnified enough lol.. what kind of normal store would you get a jewelers loop at?


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so i did get a magnifying glass.. and from what i have read and visually seen before, 2 of them were ready to chop. so i did so. still have two left in there going and put the from seed hempy under 12/12.. friday i plan on putting the rest in there under the new 400w hps im pickin up for about a week maybe 2 then going to combine both 400 watters in the 12/12 by the time the last two are done and chopped so i can get more room.


Well-Known Member
alright guyss..... so obviously i didnt get much weight off of my ff soil ladies, but again that wasnt the main goal with those, it was to attempt cloning first hand and if successful put them into hempy buckets for my first go around at that.

Its pretty much been a solid month underneath the hps for 6 ladies. here are the pics.
a couple notes*
I will probably never grow in soil again, perhaps just keep mothers down the road in.
I absolutely love the hempy method. it keeps me in touch with my soil "roots" no pun intended :p, but gives me the vigor of a hydro setup.

here are pics. i also need help trying to diagnose a possible issue i see with a couple fan leaves on 2 plants... first two pics represent where the help might be needed.



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i really like how mid-flower cuttings clone and start new growth.. many shoots without topping/fimming/lst'ing, yes it might take an extra 4-7 days for roots to come, but in the end that makes up for the amount of pause time of growth one would endure if topping/fimming multiple times. idk perhaps the soil to passive dro setup played a big role by itself of in conjunction with this idea.
also these are in 2 gallon containers.. tomorrow i do their final transplant into 5 gallon containers then 3 days later; monday, i will take lower cuttings before the end of the last 18 hr on cycle, let them sit in the dark for 2 days then start the 12/12 for 2 - 2 1/2 months.
another thing... i am using the lucas formula for the hempys the moment they went into the 2 gal containers. after two weeks of feeding 8 ml floranova bloom, i noticed it isnt enough available nitrogen to get the rate of growth in a healthy plant that i am looking for. so the past 2 weeks of feeding i have used every other feeding; which is about 3 days, 4 tops per feeding, a mix of 8 ml floranova bloom with 3ml magical which is a 2-0-0 mag/cal supplement. and on the in between feedings i use 7ml floranova Bloom with just 2ml of magical. its been working good so far in the 98%tal as in the 2% being the possible fan leaf issues i am experiencing. questions comments feedback thanks



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well for some reason or another... i think it was a power surge, both my ballasts stopped functioning properly... and we know what that means... yes its over with.. smh... well the ladies have a new home with a buddy but still.. sucks.. seems like its always something... well until next time..