I'm atheist but this was creepy.

They died because you didn't play Gorgoroth immediately after. You could have prevented this.
On a side note we used to screw with people at Taco Bell because the old total for a 5 dollar box and small order of cinnamon twists would come out to 6.66.
A lot of people would pause in the middle of saying it. Even stutter.
Then when they finish we'd say Hail Satan! In the South Park Christmas Critters pitch.
Looking back we should have did loads of Shenanigans and threw it on Youtube.
That’s Gold!!
I can literally prove to any Atheist that God is also the Devil, and your consciousness is a facet of both of them, and you die and keep coming back repeatedly. (Suicide is totally fucking futile. You just keep coming back to suffer.)

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The Universe came into existence when absolutely nothing exploded and started rapidly expanding, creating everything which can neither be created nor destroyed (matter = energy condensed to a slow vibration; E=MC^2; energy cannot be created nor destroyed.) Thus, the Big Bang, which wasn’t billions of years ago, but is still in motion as we speak.

So, if the Universe is expanding, that means it has an edge. What’s on the other side of it? The Multiverse/God, which, unlike this Universe/Dimension, is not subject to time or space. In fact, we’re not significant. There are other nothings-that-exploded-into-everythings just like this one, most likely with completely different physics.
In this dimension, we are the physical result of stars exploding and hurling matter across the Universe to get caught in the gravitational orbit of our star, the Sun, which then condensed into planets. Along with matter, stellar fungus also made its way here. That fungus was cultivated by the light of the Sun and the Earth and water thereof, evolved into mushrooms, then plants and animals, and then eventually into us. Evolution is the physics of God. Underneath our Ego and Physical Body, we are the Pure Consciousness of the Universe interacting with this dimension. Our matter just happened to develop a higher state of perceptive consciousness. The ego dies with the body, the soul returns to the energy underlying this dimension.

I believe that Science proves God.
Just a glitch in the matrix, just be carefull you didnt find a chocolate cake laying around too,..... ;)
Coincendence I think not .....

I can literally prove to any Atheist that God is also the Devil, and your consciousness is a facet of both of them, and you die and keep coming back repeatedly. (Suicide is totally fucking futile. You just keep coming back to suffer.)

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Bravo, I used to be an agnostic, was into the whole zen thing, you seem more hindu with this philosphy. My father was into that in the 60s.

Classic image of little devil on one shoulder and angel on the other, hence your CONCIENCE

Thing is how to take this and take it literally or as a metaphorical analogy? Or shall we put some tin foil hats on too? Black holes? Interdemsional beings and entitys supposedly higher then primordial god or man if you want to call him that and even being from hyperdimensions, I hate to say it, but maybe Dragon Ball mythology explains this in lehmans terms... Look up the beings like Majin Bu, according to Japanese shintoists if not mistaken he would be the equivalent of gnostic demiurge or DEMON that has the earth in a sould trap. Concidence or not?

I am yet to try DMT too old for any trips now havent done acid or E in 15 years, but I am in search of a spirtual journey once again and might decide to go to a peyote chief or DMT shaman, but Im kinda scared, I freak out with certain sativas so dunno

PS yes suicide is futile, classic buddist says u come back as a uhh roach or a mantis or a bug.
I think you said it best, you just come back lol not a bug, you just wake up ;))
Bravo, I used to be an agnostic, was into the whole zen thing, you seem more hindu with this philosphy. My father was into that in the 60s.

Classic image of little devil on one shoulder and angel on the other, hence your CONCIENCE

Thing is how to take this and take it literally or as a metaphorical analogy? Or shall we put some tin foil hats on too? Black holes? Interdemsional beings and entitys supposedly higher then primordial god or man if you want to call him that and even being from hyperdimensions, I hate to say it, but maybe Dragon Ball mythology explains this in lehmans terms... Look up the beings like Majin Bu, according to Japanese shintoists if not mistaken he would be the equivalent of gnostic demiurge or DEMON that has the earth in a sould trap. Concidence or not?

I am yet to try DMT too old for any trips now havent done acid or E in 15 years, but I am in search of a spirtual journey once again and might decide to go to a peyote chief or DMT shaman, but Im kinda scared, I freak out with certain sativas so dunno

PS yes suicide is futile, classic buddist says u come back as a uhh roach or a mantis or a bug.
I think you said it best, you just come back lol not a bug, you just wake up ;))
I am an Advaitin. Advaita is one of the oldest orthodox schools of Hinduism.

DMT, particularly in the form of Ayahuasca, is totally safe. They use it to help cancer patients come to terms with death. Because it is a legitimate sacrament. Your soul is violently ejected across space, time, and dimensions, to speak directly with the Divine Intelligent Consciousness of the Universe and all Universes, a.k.a. God. And then, it shows you how you’re going to keep getting reborn repetitively to suffer until you grow, identify with your soul, and relinquish your ego. We’re one conscious energy experiencing this dimension and realm of possibility subjectively. Your soul is the energy of God.

Advaita Vedanta
(IAST, Advaita Vedānta; Sanskrit: अद्वैत वेदान्त, literally, not-two), originally known as Puruṣavāda,[1][note 1] is a school of Hindu philosophy and religious practice, and one of the classic Indian paths to spiritual realization.[2] The term Advaitarefers to its idea that the soul (true Self, Atman) is the same as the highest metaphysical Reality (Brahman). The followers of this school are known as Advaita Vedantins, or just Advaitins,[3]and they seek spiritual liberationthrough acquiring vidyā (knowledge)[4]of one's true identity as Atman, and the identity of Atman and Brahman.[5][6][7]

Advaita Vedanta traces its roots in the oldest Upanishads. It relies on three textual sources called the Prasthanatrayi. It gives "a unifying interpretation of the whole body of Upanishads",[8] the Brahma Sutras, and the Bhagavad Gita.[9][10] Advaita Vedanta is the oldest extant sub-school of Vedanta,[note 2] which is one of the six orthodox (āstika) Hindu philosophies (darśana). Although its roots trace back to the 1st millennium BCE, the most prominent exponent of the Advaita Vedanta is considered by the tradition to be 8th century scholar Adi Shankara.[11][12][13]

Advaita Vedanta emphasizes Jivanmukti, the idea that moksha(freedom, liberation) is achievable in this life in contrast to Indian philosophies that emphasize videhamukti, or mokshaafter death.[14]
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@Z3r0Z3r0 It’s like jumping out of a plane using a parachute kind of scary: soft landing, but you never quite get used to the rough parts. What you learn is invaluable and life changing. For the better. Hinduism evolved from the Vedas and Sramana, who drank Soma, a brew made from Syrian Rue and DMT containing plants local to India. I had the Ayahuasca ceremony first. I stumbled into becoming a Hindu by accident, but it matched exactly what I experienced.

“People who have consumed ayahuasca report having spiritual revelations regarding their purpose on earth, the true nature of the universe as well as deep insight into how to be the best person they possibly can.[41][42] This is viewed by many as a spiritual awakening and what is often described as a rebirth.[43][15] In addition, it is often reported that individuals feel they gain access to higher spiritual dimensionsand make contact with various spiritual or extra-dimensional beings who can act as guides or healers.[44]
Yes im aware of all these things, I friend of my parents visited south america and the shaman guided him to find his animal spirit. He was funny turned out to be pink river dolphin