I'm at work and it's raining.


Well-Known Member
Aka... I'm bored as fuck. What's good? What are your plans today? Anything exciting and new in your lives that you want to share? As for me I'm working the office til 5. If it stops raining I'll go outside and pressure wash some filters. After I'm done I imagine I'll go home and finish my drywall and painting of the baseboards. No rest for the weary.


Well-Known Member
No plans. I'm off today, the wifey has to work all day and my daughter's staying the night at a friends.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I'll try. Not use to it being so quiet around here. It's kinda shitty out so I'm somewhat stuck inside.


Well-Known Member
Hit up in N' out, help a bro put a new marble counter top in & try out a fresh batch of lemon og and lemon og bubble.All in 90 dagree weather...going to be a good day.


Well-Known Member
I should be getting some work done. but I imagine I'll spend most of my day here arguing with people about shit that doesn't matter.


Well-Known Member
i got a nice deal on a 4 person tent yesterday, so i woke up feeling great this morning. i think i need to get some shade over it though, so i'm gonna pick up a tarp and some stakes today.

i imagine i'll do some masturbating as well.


Well-Known Member
i got a nice deal on a 4 person tent yesterday, so i woke up feeling great this morning. i think i need to get some shade over it though, so i'm gonna pick up a tarp and some stakes today.

i imagine i'll do some masturbating as well.
Fapping reference by page two, nice.

Ya man do some serious fapping. I literally just got done. My dick is still out while I type this.


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
It is a beautiful day today. I spent most of it with my he-who-must-not-be-named relative's little son and daughter (they came down to say goodbye to my aunt). Two children with endless supplies of energy and 10 acres of property are a bad mix. They ran my ass all over the place. My aunt is leaving today and heading back to California. It will probably be the last time I ever see her alive. Old Bitch. :p

It has been in the mid 80's all day with a light breeze. You can tell Fall is on the way. It's getting close to harvest season and the harvest festivals. I can't wait. This is my favorite time of year in New Mexico. :)