im almost embarresed to ask but..


Active Member
ok so im a pretty big smoker but know very little about growing so i hve a question that may sound dumb but i just would like to know if its too late to start growing indoors/outdoors/whatever. i live in massachusettes and its been a pretty hot summer and i know i missed planting season and all but would it be possible to have one succussful bud plant if i say, started tomorrow? thank you for tolerating my newbiness.


try! its definitely too late for a big harvest... small maybe half an oz out of a plant. ur best bet would to get some auto flowering seeds. They reach maturity much faster then regular mj seeds

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
well what if one were to start under lights --say CFl's go 24/7 and pick up an extra week in a month and I say if you get your girls outside by end of august and are at least uneven nodes or better yet a clone---you will get a crop---couple of zips if you read before pouring stuff in the pot.


Active Member
alright, i decided im buying an already half-matured female headies plant off a kid for 30 bucks and ill see what i can do with it. thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
You could complete a grow with most auto flowering strains, the 8 week plants would be ready mid september, the 10 week plants at the end of september. As long as you dont have frosts before that then you should be ok.


Active Member
You could complete a grow with most auto flowering strains, the 8 week plants would be ready mid september, the 10 week plants at the end of september. As long as you dont have frosts before that then you should be ok.
oh believe me i dont have to worry about any frosts. but yeah im putting in a few plants and selling most of it to my friends for cheap, and smoking the rest. this isnt to really make money; just to gain expeirience. thanks everybody for all the advice :grin: