I'm a little confused with rockwool and PK 13 14 applications


I sent CANNA Nutrients a message asking them what products they recommend to pre-treat rockwool. I assumed that it would be fine to use a 1 ml/gal of each Canna Coco A + B (since ill be growing in Coco) and pH treat the water to 5.5. Also, I asked what feeding would be best after the smaller 2" cubes were transplanted into 3" cubes. I've never used rockwool before, and I just assumed this was the process based off my observations. Also I was a little unclear on the PK 13 14 application and how/when it should be used, so I asked. Here was their response:

First, we do not recommend any rock wool pre-treatment products. It is important that they be treated to lower the pH, we just do not recommend brands.

Second, going from a 2 inch cube to a 3 inch cube is a waste of steps. Get a good root system on the first cube and go either directly into a 2 gallon or smaller container, or drop them into a 4 or 5 inch container of coco then into a 3 gallon or bigger container once it has good roots. It is important to get the roots to convert from RW to coco soon as possible.

Finally, the ideal way to begin using PK 13/14 is to start using the product when you see the plant's vegetative growth slow and the terminals begin to change into flowering structures. Then use the product for about 3 weeks. The next crop you can begin to shorten the application period and move the start and stop dates around to ultimately arrive at a 7-10 day interval of application that saves money and achieves maximum results.


Their response confused me. I guess going directly to coir makes sense rather than a larger rockwool cube, however their PK 13 14 recommendation was damn confusing. I always thought that the PK was supposed to be applied either in the 3rd or 5th weeks, but the part about 7-10 day intervals makes little sense, especially when he states, "a 7-10 day interval of application that saves money."

Anyways, I was a little confused when I got their message, so any advice would be appreciated, especially if you have experience with Rockwool, Coir, or Canna Nutrients.


Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
The vegetative phase tapers off at the end of the stretch period, around 15 days after the 12/12 switch. The plant is no longer generating a good deal of foliage and is instead more concerned with generating flowers.

They mean to use it at this time. Somewhere between the end of the stretch to the end of week 5. You'll have to tinker with the levels a little to get it dialed, but I don't think you need it until the 5th week personally. Days 28 to 35 on a 60 day strain.

PK 13/14 is just potassium phosphate. Really nothing fancy. Knowing when to apply the high pk bloom booster is a very contentious subject to discuss and ultimately your strains and your phenotypes are going to determine when to actually use it.

You will then use PK 13/14 for 7-10 days, ideally, because using it longer than that Canna claims can be expensive. Personally, I have a Liter of PK 13/14 I have used on 5 grows and it hardly looks like I touched the stuff.

My advice to you is to start at a low level. 1ml during week 3 and if things look healthy then move to 2ml in week 4. If everything still is cool then you can bump it up to 4ml per gallon in week 5. Stay under 4ml per gallon or 1ml per liter. Every extra ml you add is going to make a big difference in the pk ratio of the solution so go slow and don't shock your plant with a crazy high EC solution packed full of PK that is just going to make it harder for the plant to get the other elements it needs like sulfur, nitrogen, and magnesium.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
The vegetative phase tapers off at the end of the stretch period, around 15 days after the 12/12 switch. The plant is no longer generating a good deal of foliage and is instead more concerned with generating flowers.

They mean to use it at this time. Somewhere between the end of the stretch to the end of week 5. You'll have to tinker with the levels a little to get it dialed, but I don't think you need it until the 5th week personally. Days 28 to 35 on a 60 day strain.

PK 13/14 is just potassium phosphate. Really nothing fancy. Knowing when to apply the high pk bloom booster is a very contentious subject to discuss and ultimately your strains and your phenotypes are going to determine when to actually use it.

You will then use PK 13/14 for 7-10 days, ideally, because using it longer than that Canna claims can be expensive. Personally, I have a Liter of PK 13/14 I have used on 5 grows and it hardly looks like I touched the stuff.

My advice to you is to start at a low level. 1ml during week 3 and if things look healthy then move to 2ml in week 4. If everything still is cool then you can bump it up to 4ml per gallon in week 5. Stay under 4ml per gallon or 1ml per liter. Every extra ml you add is going to make a big difference in the pk ratio of the solution so go slow and don't shock your plant with a crazy high EC solution packed full of PK that is just going to make it harder for the plant to get the other elements it needs like sulfur, nitrogen, and magnesium.

Good luck.
Good detail on how to use Pk 13/14 better then even the website description :-D But do you think Pk 13/14 is still necessary with Jack's Pro Hydroponic 5-12-26 since it already has a high content of P-K.
Wow, thanks snow crash. That explanation finally made sense. Is the PK 13 14 really concentrated, because 1 ml/Liter max does not sound like a lot. Any recommendations on the rockwool pre-treatment and transplanting tho?

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Just 1ml/L could raise your EC by 0.4 or 0.5, which could be a major change. Figure, if your EC has been 1.5 and you start using 1ml/L you now have a 1.9ish EC which could be too high for some systems or strains or time of life.

You definitely want to start slow, figure every 1ml of PK 13/14 you use per gallon is going to raise the EC by about 0.1. You probably don't want an EC of more than 2.0. Use the canna calculator to help you determine what your EC levels are.

If you want to know for sure you can ask me and I can mix my own nutrients and do a reading for you. Your water quality will be a difference maker... but you can cross that bridge when you reach it.
This will be my first grow, so ill def treat my rockwool at a low dose. Id say no more than 1 ml/gal to start, but I guess that ill learn as I go. BTW when referring to EC, are you refering to the 500 PPM scale or the 700 PPM scale? Which one is more commonly used for growing?

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
EC is EC. I specifically do not talk about ppm because that can be different depending on the meter. All ppm measurements are done based on EC conversions, so no matter the conversion used to ppm, the EC of each solution would be the same.

On a Hanna meter 2.0ec is 1000ppm

On a BlueLab meter (I think) 2.0ec is 1400ppm

But they are both still 2.0ec, so that is what I try to talk about, and most other growers as well. Stay in EC or uS/cm and out of ppm measurements unless you are doing percent conversions to predict the concentration of an element when mixing several different nutrients at different levels.