Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

Thank you for an excellent post. My experiences match yours, and it certainly influences my opinions on the topic, which seem to be similar to yours.

Another fact to add to the discussion: the "P" in MCPP stands for "pilot" (and also for "program" but that's less interesting). This is a test program -- an experiment. It does not offend my sense of justice that we are asked to agree to certain additional rules in exchange for the ability to participate in this test program. Right now, the MCPP is version 1.0 and still in beta testing. I'm ok with a few non-critical bugs while they work on the full rollout version, or upgrade the whole thing with legalization.

It's also pretty clear this license notification was some "carrot" given to LEO to get them onboard with the cannabis program back when it was originally passed. Political support was much less strong back them, so it should surprise no one that the bill actually passed was a patchwork of compromises -- some good, some bad. Sometimes tough compromises are better than making no progress at all.

One last point: We're over here bitching about the license notification requirement, and at the same time there's not a single state bordering Illinois with an operating medical cannabis program. I'm guessing the ten's of thousands of prospective medical cannabis patients in every one of those states would gladly agree to a license notification requirement if it meant getting access to the regulated, tested, safe, and legal product that we enjoy. Just sayin'.
did u apply in the mail or online?i did the mail and talked to them today..there was some bullshit glitch on the way to the secretary of state so it was fixed and my card was sent to the printer today..the printer is back up and running in Pennsylvania she said

I was really hoping the printer would not be up yet, I wanted to get a letter from Springfield instead of waiting a few weeks for a card.
Called this morning and my application still has not been processed. 11/13.
I was told I can reapply but the $250 that I paid for the three-year card is non-refundable.
Got P.A. in less than 24 hours and was in a dispensary that day. Good luck!
Thanks! Looks like you got lucky, I submitted my application and even though the website says "If the qualifying patient submits an application for MCPP on-line before 6 PM CST, they can download their provisional (temporary) registration card the following day, after 8:30 AM. It is recommended the patient call their dispensary to verify their provisional registration card is active before driving to the dispensary location dispensary." this isn't actually the case.

I called and when I brought this up the rep on the phone got upset and hung up on me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Called this morning and my application still has not been processed. 11/13.
I was told I can reapply but the $250 that I paid for the three-year card is non-refundable.
I called this morning and they said I was approved. I didn't ask when i was approved, but he said my info was sent off to print and should have within 10 days. Applied online 11-6. Id say by the end of the month you'll have it
Thanks! Looks like you got lucky, I submitted my application and even though the website says "If the qualifying patient submits an application for MCPP on-line before 6 PM CST, they can download their provisional (temporary) registration card the following day, after 8:30 AM. It is recommended the patient call their dispensary to verify their provisional registration card is active before driving to the dispensary location dispensary." this isn't actually the case.

I called and when I brought this up the rep on the phone got upset and hung up on me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Wow! What a mess. I’m so sorry. I hope that you get your P.A. soon.

I did submit my online application before they officially updated their website to include the information about December apply-by-mail folks being eligible for P.A. if they re-apply online. I must have just gotten lucky to be in the first wave of applicants...
When did you reapply online? I did yesterday and nothing today. My initial mail in was in early December.
I reapplied online yesterday and my initial mail app was 11/27 (which I assume means they received it around 11/30). Nothing in my email and the rep on the phone said that I should be granted access "any day now."
I called this morning and they said I was approved. I didn't ask when i was approved, but he said my info was sent off to print and should have within 10 days. Applied online 11-6. Id say by the end of the month you'll have it

Check your online account for provisional access. I was approved Friday or Saturday and out of curiousity I checked if I was granted provisional and to my luck there was a letter to print off!
Has anyone heard of individuals not getting approved based on background check. I was charged with possession of 1 Xanax pill. I took a non conviction plea but am still on supervision for it. I recently applied for my medical card. Thank you in advance for your help.
To my knowledge, now that the background check is no longer run, that shouldn't be a disqualifier. The only concern should be if your terms of supervision prohibit the use of any controlled substance.
To my knowledge, now that the background check is no longer run, that shouldn't be a disqualifier. The only concern should be if your terms of supervision prohibit the use of any controlled substance.

I was told it would not be a factor by PO if I had my license. Thank you for your help.
Can you cancel an online application online or do you need to call ?
I just noticed I only paid for a one-year card.
For the hundred bucks I'm thinking about not waiting another couple of weeks
What protected class am I? I’m a 100% disable combat veteran which is a protected class! All my medical records are verifiable, without having a doctor sign off, especially when it says my disability rating is 100%. Especially with regards to the issue of medical cannabis, unlike sicknesses that some might have, brain damage caused by traumatic brain injury never goes away and there are no current cures...So yeah I’m a little distraught for the wait time, especially when my card was approved in November...I’m not bashing other patients, I just want to know why the long wait time, especially since it’s pushing a quarter of a year...

If you were approved in November and have not received your card then I would call. If you mean that you Applied in November then you might have another week or two to wait. I applied November 5 online and I got my paper card in the mail on February 1.
Has anyone heard of individuals not getting approved based on background check. I was charged with possession of 1 Xanax pill. I took a non conviction plea but am still on supervision for it. I recently applied for my medical card. Thank you in advance for your help.

They no longer require background checks. And I think when they did it was only for Felony convictions.
Actual laws are good to discuss. It's also good to discuss reality, and the reality is the vehicle code is set up so a cop can pull you over and make up a reason.
I'd say enjoy taking putting your faith in every cop you run into is a good cop but the license flag is being worked on being ended because it's not only abused in IL it shows up to other states who still have zero tolerance blood levels. This is yet another thing I'm amazed people sign up for mcpp without looking at the law first.

Former Chief in my town threatened to pull mcpp card holders over if medical was passed, then he was given the means to do just that with a nudge nudge wink wink in the law saying not to do that.

In case you haven't picked up on it, I have family in a PD. I do know what actually goes on and see both sides of the story.

My 2 Cents= There are Good Cops and Bad Cops. But after seeing this last year, I am with Myk, you can not trust them.
Called this morning and my application still has not been processed. 11/13.
I was told I can reapply but the $250 that I paid for the three-year card is non-refundable.

Wow, this is not feeling good... The most recent Nov person that was approved here I think is mlpntr- that applied on 11/5 and was approved on 1/24. I called on Friday and was told they were not to my app yet (11/7).. Today is day 90 for me, I can’t seem to call in today - only voicemail that says high call volume.
I applied online November 5 and received my paper card February 1 in the mail.

Yep, I think you are the last person I’ve seen approved. I’m 11/7 and as of 2/1 they had not gotten to my app (I haven’t been able to get through on the phone this week).
Yep, I think you are the last person I’ve seen approved. I’m 11/7 and as of 2/1 they had not gotten to my app (I haven’t been able to get through on the phone this week).
I applied on 11-6 and on Friday I emailed about status. Was told I needed to reseld my med records (VA records). Saturday I received another email saying my application was approved.

I checked online just to see if I had provisional today and there was a link to print out provisional access. All it had was "Application date, Applicant Name, and numerical identifier" so I took that paper to the dispensary and they said it wouldn't work and that the numerical identifier wasn't found anywheee in their system. So I'm guessing IDPH is working out the bugs with their new system.