Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

And anybody that tells you that there is no difference between the weed from the 80s and the weed you can get in the store, just know: they are wrong(Myk63).

Just so this doesn't come back up, this is what I said,

Compared to what I got in the 70's and 80's and even the 90's, OMG. Light years ahead of then for smell, trichomes and trim.

You read wrong and got it in your head and can't seem to get it out. I praised everything about dispensary stuff.

I didn't say there was no difference between the street I've had in the last couple years, but I did say the quality is the same. But no labs, no variety names still makes dispensary stuff better.

I don't even think I complained about price. I'd pay the same on the street as the most expensive in the dispensary.
Just spoke with idph. I applied 1-10-19. And was inquiring about provisional. I was told anyone that applied before Jan 31st WILL NOT be getting an email. I expressed I would like I cancel my application and I will re apply Monday, to which I would receive an email immediately.

I then got transferred to a supervisor to discuss refund of application fee. To be told there are no refunds, when I told her I wanted to cancel and re apply regardless she put me on hold for a second. Then came back and said "I would not recommend cancelling, we are not suppose to tell this information yet, but we will be going back to December 1st 2018 with provisional emails. However we do not have a date when that will happen so we can't give that information out yet."
I then explained if I can pay another $100 and get my PA within a week I will
To which she responded, " we are not looking at weeks for the back dating to happen, we are looking at days. Again I strongly recommend waiting another week before paying for another application."

For all the 12-1-18 to current applicants hopefully you gain the same hope I did from this.

I mean, A) how do you people get through? When I call it doesnt even ring, just goes straight to the *high call volume* message.

B) If the catalyst to provisional is simply implementing this new software then it makes sense that the transfer of that amount of data would take a bit. Specifically because I imagine they are going to have to autopopulate all of the patient info/email/log ins in to the new system. It makes sense that once that happens, every user in the system will need a notification email with the new information.

IF there are no glitches in that data transfer then I bet provisional comes with that "welcome to the new system email"....but people STILL cant figure out how to transfer #'s to a new phone, and this is like that on steroids will see how it goes.
All I can think about is when I worked for a jewelry company and we were switching from this primitive pos to a newer and fancier one, and all of that data and the skus for thousands of items DID NOT transfer as hoped.
This week I've been doing nothing but 1:1. Last night I did a 2:1 CBD and it was good. Friday I won't be surprised if I can do 29% THC and feel normal if my pre-card testing was any indication. I think the reason is tied to the biologic that got me craving cannabis after 20 years, my drug levels are low this week.
A couple weeks ago I was vaping a bowl of Columbian Gold or Northern Lights in an evening with no problem. This week a hitter of Northern Lights sent me into a panic attack.

I never said it was the same as the 80s or 90s. I said dispensary stuff is light years ahead of that.
I said the stuff I got on the street in the last 2 years was the same quality as dispensary stuff but without the labs.
I also don't think "quality" has anything to do with THC % or how stoned it gets you, those are variety issues. If that's what you think you're saying none of the CBD varieties are quality.
The 16% half I got for $100 is still better quality than anything I got decades ago, except maybe Gainsville and it has nothing to do with how high it got me (which was way too high). That's my rant about people talking about quality when they have no idea what quality means, I suspect that word is thrown around to sound smart but it really just means potent.
I'm not comparing Pablo's anything, that's all you doing that.

When legal passes and hopefully at least medical cards can grow I don't think my 5 plants are going to be equal to Mexican ditch weed. I don't imagine it's going to be sprayed with pesticides at all. I know what I've done under fluorescent tubes and dirt, lights have come a long way since then and hydroponic shops are plentiful.

1979 $400 for a Pound. You payed more For Columbia Gold, but was it worth it. The only Bud I ever had even close to Today was called Sensamelia or Something Like That. So now that would cost $4,000-$6,000 In a Dispensary.
1979 $400 for a Pound. You payed more For Columbia Gold, but was it worth it. The only Bud I ever had even close to Today was called Sensamelia or Something Like That. So now that would cost $4,000-$6,000 In a Dispensary.

Ah, a stroll down memory lane...

I started smoking weed on New Years Eve, 1972. The weed available then was $15 to $20 for a "lid" (roughly the same as an ounce, measured by volume rather than weight.) It was full of stems and seeds, and you'd occasionally find a bonus "flower top" a/k/a bud mixed in there, also full of seeds. I knew a guy who knew a guy, and could get a pound for $200. I smoked a lot of pot in those days, and really, really enjoyed it.

Then by the mid '70s we started hearing about something people called "Sensamilia" or "Sensay", which I didn't even understand was actually a bastardization of "sin semilla" (Spanish for "without seeds"). This of course was a female plant, and marked the beginning of the science of weed cultivation and separating male plants from female plants. Prior to that, the only varieties I ever heard of, besides "good" and "bad", were "Jamaican", "Acapulco Gold", and "Panama Red". There was also Lebanese hash, but it was pretty expensive and I rarely bought any. But most of what we smoked in the '70s was what people today would laugh at as some shitty shake :)

Around 1980, things changed pretty quickly, as people started getting serious about cultivating, and the weed suddenly got a lot better around then. So much so that I was caught off guard - where I'd previously have no problem smoking a joint to myself, now if I smoked half a joint, I'd get so high I'd get paranoid and couldn't deal with it. I didn't know at the time that the quality of pot had improved so quickly; I just thought pot was pot as it always had been, and now I wasn't getting the same good feelings from it. So I decided pot was no longer for me, and stopped smoking for a long time.

Many years later, armed with some knowledge about what weed was like NOW, I started again, and eventually figured out that my earlier problem with weed was just that I was misjudging my optimum dose. Now that I know what's going on, I've really got things dialed in :)

Anyway, this is just a long way of saying that the quality of weed has changed dramatically since the '70s.
1979 $400 for a Pound. You payed more For Columbia Gold, but was it worth it. The only Bud I ever had even close to Today was called Sensamelia or Something Like That. So now that would cost $4,000-$6,000 In a Dispensary.

I know someone in a car pulled over with a quarter pound in his jacket, in a zip lock, back then. That would not happen with this stuff. Mason jars aren't keeping my safe from smelling when I open the door.
I can't figure out why the dispensary doesn't smell. A plastic 8th jar in my truck sure does.

I'd get so high I'd get paranoid and couldn't deal with it. I didn't know at the time that the quality of pot had improved so quickly; I just thought pot was pot as it always had been, and now I wasn't getting the same good feelings from it. So I decided pot was no longer for me, and stopped smoking for a long time.

That's basically how I ended up quitting. I'm not sure it wasn't underlying anxiety that got really bad about 5 years later but I am sure I was smoking the same amount as it got much stronger.
I notice they didn't include "arctic cold" on that list, so I think they're still living up to their motto :)
It Still Exists, they just added an Asterisk to cover their Butts.....
I know someone in a car pulled over with a quarter pound in his jacket, in a zip lock, back then. That would not happen with this stuff. Mason jars aren't keeping my safe from smelling when I open the door.
I can't figure out why the dispensary doesn't smell. A plastic 8th jar in my truck sure does.

That's basically how I ended up quitting. I'm not sure it wasn't underlying anxiety that got really bad about 5 years later but I am sure I was smoking the same amount as it got much stronger.
I know someone in a car pulled over with a quarter pound in his jacket, in a zip lock, back then. That would not happen with this stuff. Mason jars aren't keeping my safe from smelling when I open the door.
I can't figure out why the dispensary doesn't smell. A plastic 8th jar in my truck sure does.

That's basically how I ended up quitting. I'm not sure it wasn't underlying anxiety that got really bad about 5 years later but I am sure I was smoking the same amount as it got much stronger.

Similar here. On the other item, I went to My First Dispensary which has Great Prices and Had no smell at all. But it is an Hour Drive. The closer one I am at now, they have super high security Double electric closing doors, and you can still smell it the second you walk in the Front Door, before you get to either of the Doors. Pretty strange, must be where and how they store it.
anyone know if you can pick up mail from the post office since they arent delivering tomorow?my paper card notice is in the mail according to informed delivery
Just spoke with idph. I applied 1-10-19. And was inquiring about provisional. I was told anyone that applied before Jan 31st WILL NOT be getting an email. I expressed I would like I cancel my application and I will re apply Monday, to which I would receive an email immediately.

I then got transferred to a supervisor to discuss refund of application fee. To be told there are no refunds, when I told her I wanted to cancel and re apply regardless she put me on hold for a second. Then came back and said "I would not recommend cancelling, we are not suppose to tell this information yet, but we will be going back to December 1st 2018 with provisional emails. However we do not have a date when that will happen so we can't give that information out yet."
I then explained if I can pay another $100 and get my PA within a week I will
To which she responded, " we are not looking at weeks for the back dating to happen, we are looking at days. Again I strongly recommend waiting another week before paying for another application."

For all the 12-1-18 to current applicants hopefully you gain the same hope I did from this.

Hopfully it’s “days” for you (congrats), us November peeps are being left behind.
anyone know if you can pick up mail from the post office since they arent delivering tomorow?my paper card notice is in the mail according to informed delivery

Call, since they're not delivering they might allow it if anyone is working. When I've tried because they didn't put a package with tarantulas on the truck on Saturday they wouldn't let me, they were dead by Monday. So in a normal situation I'd say no. But I wouldn't waste time going there without calling.
Hopfully it’s “days” for you (congrats), us November peeps are being left behind.

I feel terrible for all of you. I must say if I were in your shoes I would be canceling and re-applying for sure.

Only of course after someone reports here they applied and got PA immediately.
How do you cancel and reapply online? Do you have to talk to your doctor again about signing up? I applied December 18th by mail so I will have to still wait atleast a month and a half to get my card.
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I feel terrible for all of you. I must say if I were in your shoes I would be canceling and re-applying for sure.

Only of course after someone reports here they applied and got PA immediately.

I would cancel, but I applied for the 3yr card, so canceling would be throwing away $250 since there are no refunds. I had MCO help me fill out the forms (they have all the original docs I’d need to send), so I think I’m hosed waiting. I’m eary November (day 85), but I called this morning and was told they are not working on my app yet. I’m just discouraged; trying to stay off major pain meds.
I notice they didn't include "arctic cold" on that list, so I think they're still living up to their motto :)
I finally got through and it looks like our carrier called in sick all week and they had no one else deliver our mail. So basically they keep jacking up the postal rates but their service sucks more every day.
Guuuyyyss!!!! I just called in and got through within like two minutes.

I just said I wanted to see if I was approved and if the rumors about an email with provisional coming with the micropact set up are true. Here is what she said after looking me up.-

"Your application has been received but has not started processing yet. We are currently on November applications. BUT, because you applied online between December 1st and January 31st you will be getting an email possibly before Saturday, but it could take as long as a week. That email will have directions for you to log in and print the provisional letter."

That quote is almost verbatum. There was nothing secretive about it. And she said as long as a week, meaning that I AM GOING TO THE DISPENSARY NEXT WEEEEEKKK!!!!