Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

Shake is usually $100 but sometimes goes on sale for $80. As long as percentage is about 24% it will be great. Many times theirs keef all throughout. I usually just sample grams of flower since I only vape flower and prefer live resins, sugars etc. The prices for flower are pretty high compared to what most people pay on the market but knowing there's no pesticides and contaminants is worth the peace of mind. Also being able to choose exactly the strain you want when you want it makes it all worth it. Last night I had trouble falling asleep after working all day (digital industry). Brain was racing but a little bubba fett live wax knocked me out in 5-10 min. Usually would have been up hours.

Although prices are high and somewhat concerning the relief people get from various illnesses and conditions is unimaginable. The people just looking to get high off the highest percentage THC product will be disappointed in pricing.

Thank you very much, super informative. :clap::hump::):smile::-):razz:(:
Lol someone told me by the time I get my card in the mail, cannabis will already be legal. Now that’s pretty excessive. :cry::lol::shock::lol::-Do_O

I swear the people of IL have PTSD from this government. I can't believe all the negativity in the canna-community. Even from me. And yet they keep voting them in.

:neutral::neutral::neutral:Is a half bag of shake for $100 a good deal ? At a dispensary of course. I had seen on leafy.

1/2 $100 1/4 $50 seems standard.

The prices for flower are pretty high compared to what most people pay on the market but knowing there's no pesticides and contaminants is worth the peace of mind. Also being able to choose exactly the strain you want when you want it makes it all worth it. Last night I had trouble falling asleep after working all day (digital industry). Brain was racing but a little bubba fett live wax knocked me out in 5-10 min. Usually would have been up hours.

Although prices are high and somewhat concerning the relief people get from various illnesses and conditions is unimaginable. The people just looking to get high off the highest percentage THC product will be disappointed in pricing.

Street prices for me (which I could never find in 2 years of trying) were $60/8th, $100/4th. So dispensary prices are cheaper or the same for me.

It took me 2 weeks of really good 4-5hr sleeps, now I'm getting 8hr sleeps. If my hands are going numb while I sleep I'm not waking up for it or having problems getting back to sleep after repositioning (also changed to a pillow that is helping). If nothing else positive happens it will be a win.
I'm on the back side of an infusion cycle and not feeling overly bad yet.
Migraines are still happening, possibly even more frequent (the added sleep/laying down) but less severe.
I swear the people of IL have PTSD from this government. I can't believe all the negativity in the canna-community. Even from me. And yet they keep voting them in.

1/2 $100 1/4 $50 seems standard.

Street prices for me (which I could never find in 2 years of trying) were $60/8th, $100/4th. So dispensary prices are cheaper or the same for me.

It took me 2 weeks of really good 4-5hr sleeps, now I'm getting 8hr sleeps. If my hands are going numb while I sleep I'm not waking up for it or having problems getting back to sleep after repositioning (also changed to a pillow that is helping). If nothing else positive happens it will be a win.
I'm on the back side of an infusion cycle and not feeling overly bad yet.
Migraines are still happening, possibly even more frequent (the added sleep/laying down) but less severe.

At least at a dispensary you can see the exact amount you should be getting on a scale
I swear the people of IL have PTSD from this government. I can't believe all the negativity in the canna-community. Even from me. And yet they keep voting them in.

1/2 $100 1/4 $50 seems standard.

Street prices for me (which I could never find in 2 years of trying) were $60/8th, $100/4th. So dispensary prices are cheaper or the same for me.

It took me 2 weeks of really good 4-5hr sleeps, now I'm getting 8hr sleeps. If my hands are going numb while I sleep I'm not waking up for it or having problems getting back to sleep after repositioning (also changed to a pillow that is helping). If nothing else positive happens it will be a win.
I'm on the back side of an infusion cycle and not feeling overly bad yet.
Migraines are still happening, possibly even more frequent (the added sleep/laying down) but less severe.

I’m sorry you have to go through migraines and headaches. I know people that go through headaches like every single day and it’s not fun. Actual my partner had went to the hospital for headaches that they’ve had for years, they gave them an MRI scan, but didn’t detect anything..crazy :cry:
I swear the people of IL have PTSD from this government. I can't believe all the negativity in the canna-community. Even from me. And yet they keep voting them in.

1/2 $100 1/4 $50 seems standard.

Street prices for me (which I could never find in 2 years of trying) were $60/8th, $100/4th. So dispensary prices are cheaper or the same for me.

It took me 2 weeks of really good 4-5hr sleeps, now I'm getting 8hr sleeps. If my hands are going numb while I sleep I'm not waking up for it or having problems getting back to sleep after repositioning (also changed to a pillow that is helping). If nothing else positive happens it will be a win.
I'm on the back side of an infusion cycle and not feeling overly bad yet.
Migraines are still happening, possibly even more frequent (the added sleep/laying down) but less severe.
Now at the dispensary is there a tax on top of the 60 dollars for the 1/8 or are you walking out paying 60?
At least at a dispensary you can see the exact amount you should be getting on a scale

Not in IL. Everything is prepackaged and you can't see, smell or touch until you get home (I'm immune suppressed so I'm very much OK with not having other people stick their nose in my stuff).

I just got MediHaze home and it's short by .05g. Everything else I've weighed has been over.
Since it's prepackaged the .05g could've easily been drying. I didn't weigh it after putting a humidity packet in with it.

I’m sorry you have to go through migraines and headaches. I know people that go through headaches like every single day and it’s not fun. Actual my partner had went to the hospital for headaches that they’ve had for years, they gave them an MRI scan, but didn’t detect anything..crazy :cry:

I was going to go to neuro for migraines but scared myself away. I'm hoping mmj makes the migraines stop like it did when I was a kid. I don't want another neck surgery (I think they're caused by something in my neck). I don't want any other drugs. And I especially don't want to know I have a problem in my brain that needs operated on (neuro surgeon who did my fusion is the head of brain cancer).
So I'm giving the mmj time to see what it does.

Now at the dispensary is there a tax on top of the 60 dollars for the 1/8 or are you walking out paying 60?

Prices include tax, at least at the two locals here.
It's actually $59 for the highest priced 8ths at the one I go to. The other local one I haven't been to yet has some $65 price tags.
Not sure if this specific forum is the one I should use. I still have about 60 days to wait, but I'm looking for a vape pen that won't break the bank. Any suggestions? Or is there another forum I should go to, fellow Illinoisans?
Not in IL. Everything is prepackaged and you can't see, smell or touch until you get home (I'm immune suppressed so I'm very much OK with not having other people stick their nose in my stuff).

I just got MediHaze home and it's short by .05g. Everything else I've weighed has been over.
Since it's prepackaged the .05g could've easily been drying. I didn't weigh it after putting a humidity packet in with it.

I was going to go to neuro for migraines but scared myself away. I'm hoping mmj makes the migraines stop like it did when I was a kid. I don't want another neck surgery (I think they're caused by something in my neck). I don't want any other drugs. And I especially don't want to know I have a problem in my brain that needs operated on (neuro surgeon who did my fusion is the head of brain cancer).
So I'm giving the mmj time to see what it does.

Prices include tax, at least at the two locals here.
It's actually $59 for the highest priced 8ths at the one I go to. The other local one I haven't been to yet has some $65 price tags.

I did not know that they didn’t weigh it in front of you. That’s good to know.
Not sure if this specific forum is the one I should use. I still have about 60 days to wait, but I'm looking for a vape pen that won't break the bank. Any suggestions? Or is there another forum I should go to, fellow Illinoisans?

Personally haven’t bought anything off this site yet, but try, they have pens on there for days and other products you may like. Also there are ratings to by other people on there. :joint::eek:(: They say if you spend $50 you can get free shipping btw.

If you wanted to take a road trip i’d say try a smoke shop in Indiana. Things use to be even cheaper there, but you never know. You could also call some smoke shops too and ask, “what’s the cheaper vape pen you have?” Write them all put on a sheet of paper. :D:-D:grin::eek:
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I also heard this on WGN radio from the Sr.VP at Cresco Labs. (Well known multimillion dollar cannabis company) said he was on a conference call with IDPH and February 1st we should get emails!
Been lurking here for a couple months while waiting for my card (Day 64 here). Here's the wgn radio episode with the guy from Cresco Labs.

>Search for "wgn radio cresco" in Google and it's the first hit (I'd post the link but the forum won't let me because I'm new; maybe another member can).

A woman calls in around 18:00 with a question about provisional and he replies around 18:30 with the information stated in GreenRelief420's post. He does state that they're waiting on more information from the state and that training is taking place next week for provisional access. While I personally wouldn't put my faith in the state of IL to meet the deadlines they have set (Feb 1), this seems to be an indication that provisional may be around the corner. Hope you all don't have to wait much longer and can get the medicine you need.
Been lurking here for a couple months while waiting for my card (Day 64 here). Here's the wgn radio episode with the guy from Cresco Labs.

>Search for "wgn radio cresco" in Google and it's the first hit (I'd post the link but the forum won't let me because I'm new; maybe another member can).

A woman calls in around 18:00 with a question about provisional and he replies around 18:30 with the information stated in GreenRelief420's post. He does state that they're waiting on more information from the state and that training is taking place next week for provisional access. While I personally wouldn't put my faith in the state of IL to meet the deadlines they have set (Feb 1), this seems to be an indication that provisional may be around the corner. Hope you all don't have to wait much longer and can get the medicine you need.

Does this apply for people who applied online and by mail ?
Does this apply for people who applied online and by mail ?
The VP said you apply online and they email you a provisional card that can be used with your state ID to purchase medical cannabis. This sounds like just online applications to me. He believes that the state will email cards to everyone who has currently applied online and is waiting, however this is still an educated guess on his part. It sounds like we will have some more information soon.
I did not know that they didn’t weigh it in front of you. That’s good to know.

It's very non-euphoric. Overwhelming because you know the selection is there but nothing to see.
I have no idea how but my dispensary doesn't smell either. One of my containers really smelled up my topper. At home all transferred to mason jars my safe still reeks.

Mine has online ordering. May as well do that and have it waiting to be picked up unless there are questions because there's nothing different happening in person that would change your mind.

Not sure if this specific forum is the one I should use. I still have about 60 days to wait, but I'm looking for a vape pen that won't break the bank. Any suggestions? Or is there another forum I should go to, fellow Illinoisans?

Liquid or dry herb? Dabber?
For dry herb I like/trust Planet of the Vapes. I suggest not cheaping out on a dry herb.

Feel like I haven't seen any new card posts in awhile.

They seem to be coming in batches since late December.
Looks like pretty soon this long thread will be obsolete, with provisional access kicking in. That's good for everyone! But a little bittersweet. There's a real feeling of community here, as we all share a common cause, and pull each other forward. Thanks to all who've helped!
I've been on 90 days now. I just got a letter saying that my Proof of Residency documents were not good.

I've emailed two more in that should work. Any idea how long they take after a step like this? Scared I'll be in for another 90 days.
I've been on 90 days now. I just got a letter saying that my Proof of Residency documents were not good.

I've emailed two more in that should work. Any idea how long they take after a step like this? Scared I'll be in for another 90 days.

Is you address on your ID different from your current address ? If so you could have sent an insurance policy, or a bank statement within a certain amount of days. Either 30 or 90 the check list had said.

My fear is them getting my application and telling me something’s wrong with mine too because I definitely checked that thing about a 100 times before sending it.

I’d say send an email of the documents they want to, just in case. You’ll know the email will get to them sooner than the mail may. Unless your in Springfield I guess.