Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

how long before registration letters start showing up ? where will they start ? mid-September (seems where the lull began) or October ? - remember , you could get a letter one day and your card the next ! Any Guesses ???
My appointment with MCO was also 8/30. I did call on 11/21 to confirm that they indeed received my application. I was told it was received but they haven’t gotten to it. Asked on what day and was told “mid September”. I’m bumming they told you received 9/26. I was estimating my day at ~17th. That’s more mid. The 26th would be considered late September. He said mid. So I’m going with mid. That puts me @80 days tomorrow. Seen posts with card in hand at 83. I’ll call Monday if I don’t see it by then. If nothing else get my actual date.
I would call sooner! Someone who was the 17th was processed last week, Thursday or Friday, so you should be good! I’m the 20th and as of yesterday, they hadn’t gotten to me yet. I’m sure you good!!
Timeline for anyone interested ( had to look up exact dates)
9/7 - dr. appointment the straight to dispensary with all paperwork. Online
9/10- card charged
11/26- called to check on status, was told sec.ofstate verifying address
12/6- card received and now legal
Every day in between tapping my foot anxiously waiting to here anything,
The dispensaries aren't printing anything. There is no temp card. We will get a provisional registration number from IDPH. The dispensary will verify our identity, verify the number in the state system, and verify the provisional registration is still active for each visit (because it can expire after 90 days, or it can expire on any date if IDPH rejects application or perm card is issued). I would read from bottom of page 72 through page 74 of the attached.
What is your source for this document?
Timeline for anyone interested ( had to look up exact dates)
9/7 - dr. appointment the straight to dispensary with all paperwork. Online
9/10- card charged
11/26- called to check on status, was told sec.ofstate verifying address
12/6- card received and now legal
Every day in between tapping my foot anxiously waiting to here anything,
Timeline for anyone interested ( had to look up exact dates)
9/7 - dr. appointment the straight to dispensary with all paperwork. Online
9/10- card charged
11/26- called to check on status, was told sec.ofstate verifying address
12/6- card received and now legal
Every day in between tapping my foot anxiously waiting to here anything,
Congrats Old FF!! I should get mines today too I hope! Our timelines are close.
Good morning all,
New member and this is my first time posting.
I want to thank everyone for all the information and posts they have given. I've been following this forum for a few weeks now.

Submitted my online application November 13th and my CC was charged the same day.

I've been reading all the comments about the temporary provisional card, so I decided to just call this morning and talk to someone.

I spoke to the gentleman with the accent. He said they were nowhere near close to issuing temporary cards; not close at all.
I tried to ask him what date they were processing so I could post it but he said they are no longer allowed to discuss that information.
Maybe bs, maybe not.

I said thank you very much and I will just have to be patient.
The guy was kind of cool.
He said he wished everybody could show patience as well.
He seemed sympathetic to our eagerness, but commented on how they were overwhelmed and understaffed.
Aug 23 - Appointment at MCO that consisted of dr visit, fingerprints, all paperwork and paid cash. Was told within 90 days I'd have the card in hand.

Oct 16 - emailed IDPH and received an automatic response that told nothing.

Nov 20 - called and got through to the state. I was told that my application was received and it would be processed in the order received.

Dec 5 talked to idph and I'm approved
my appointment with mco was august 28 but idph said they didn't get app till late September