Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

I called a dispensary today to ask what they know about the Provisional temporary cards (supposed to go in effect on Dec 1)... The dispensary said they were told the dispensary would be the ones printing the temporary cards, but they haven’t been notified about any details. They don’t know if they can print on paper or have to obtain a specific card printer for the temp cards. So it’s definitely not going into effect in the next few days. The dispensary i talked to is assuming Provisional will be available in January sometime.
Sept. 14 applicant
Day 80
Informed Delivery says no card today, but I think its imminent.

I don't think the emergency rule will show up in the registry until 12/14 going by the due date=publishing date list.

This is what I feared when I mathed it out yesterday. Hopefully IDPH will put the new rules up on its website prior to publication. I've been looking online today at various IDPH and other administrative sites and not seen anything about the new rules posted yet.
I called a dispensary today to ask what they know about the Provisional temporary cards (supposed to go in effect on Dec 1)... The dispensary said they were told the dispensary would be the ones printing the temporary cards, but they haven’t been notified about any details. They don’t know if they can print on paper or have to obtain a specific card printer for the temp cards. So it’s definitely not going into effect in the next few days. The dispensary i talked to is assuming Provisional will be available in January sometime.

According to "(s-5) "Provisional registration" means a document issued by the Department of Public Health to a qualifying patient who has submitted: (1) an online application and paid a fee to participate in Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program pending approval or denial of the patient's application; or (2) a completed application for terminal illness." the IDPH is supposed to issue what I'm guessing is going to be a letter. Maybe the dispensary prints out a temp card. Who knows... its all hope and speculation right now!
Just got through, still haven’t gotten to my name, which I get. What I don’t get is when I asked where they were at in the month and he said he couldn’t tell me the specifics, and I asked if he thought they would get to it this week, he said ‘I don’t think so’ and then he said ‘check back in a couple weeks and we should get to it by then’

I haven’t gotten upset about waiting, but if this is true, that is some BS!
Just got through, still haven’t gotten to my name, which I get. What I don’t get is when I asked where they were at in the month and he said he couldn’t tell me the specifics, and I asked if he thought they would get to it this week, he said ‘I don’t think so’ and then he said ‘check back in a couple weeks and we should get to it by then’

I haven’t gotten upset about waiting, but if this is true, that is some BS!

That's what's getting me mad. Hopefully it was just a blow off to get you not to call until you've got your card.

Where do see the publishing date?
Not sure where I should be looking...

Scroll down passed the table of contents, this is the registry published on the 30th. Due dates of 11/26 for the 7th and 12/3 for the 14th.
I dunno, it seemed like he knew the dates cuz he kept fumbling and it sounded like he wanted to tell me, but to be like not even this week, and it seemed like he was going to say hopefully we will approve it this month...I hope it was just because he didn’t know, but if for some reason I’m not approved this week, and it is 2 more weeks, that’s some bs, no way they should move that slow.
Is idph on Twitter should question them there and tag it as well or even try to get local news channels involved media loves stories like this?
I think I'm done calling till after Christmas. If it's not here then, that's 90 days since app received and around 120 since doctor's appt.
I’ll call a week from today! If they don’t have it approved by then, I’ll start taking other measures and call other places. They were on the 17th last week, so they should have it this week. Which would make it 74-78 days until approval. And then another 10-14 days until card, which makes 88-93 days.
All of this discussion of which application date the state is currently processing makes me wonder - does any know exactly what the processing entails? What exactly takes place when they get to your application? Is it sent to a state approved doctor for review, then either approved or denied by that person? Or is it just an office worker reviewing to make sure all the correct boxes are checked off? Anyone know for sure?

I can't help but feel like the state is slow-walking things just to punish the degenerates who want weed.
All of this discussion of which application date the state is currently processing makes me wonder - does any know exactly what the processing entails? What exactly takes place when they get to your application? Is it sent to a state approved doctor for review, then either approved or denied by that person? Or is it just an office worker reviewing to make sure all the correct boxes are checked off? Anyone know for sure?

I can't help but feel like the state is slow-walking things just to punish the degenerates who want weed.
I don’t have any idea! I would think all they would need to see and verify is the doctor signature and the condition, which in turn, shouldn’t take too long. If you think about it, they could easily group all email/apps from doctors offices into secure emails, which would mean they would automatically get approved and verified.

I think the license and picture would need to be verified as well, but that may be just for your card!
I'm about 60 days into my wait right now. Because the law does state in unambiguous terms that every pending applicant will be granted provisional access on 12/1, I called my designated dispensary today to ask what they know about this.

The person I spoke with was knowledgeable and helpful, but had not actually read the state law. He said that it was his understanding that as of 12/1, the state has 30 days to figure out how to issue provisional access. That's not true, as there is no such language in the law. I suppose that's probably what his boss told him to say to people like me :) He did say that he was getting lots of calls about it today.

Anyway, he had not been briefed yet on how any aspect of provisional access was going to work, so it looks like it ain't happening soon.

It'll probably get sorted out and go into effect the day after I get my card...
I want to think your kidding, but I’m super nervous about my card and kind of believe you ha

I was pretty nervous too, when I first called, on DAY 100! I was never notified of anything. So even if you do not have it in a month, that sadly can be Normal. I will be pulling for you.