Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

To be fair, the bill requires the IDPH to "implement" rules for the new law by December 1, but doesn't explicitly say that provision access itself must start by that date.

Well, as I said earlier, I'm not a lawyer, but:

"Implement rules" by that date = "provisional access" by that date, the way it's written. There's nothing in that section of the law that specifically excludes or allows for ANY exceptions, so by definition it must be included.
I went through mco and inquired about provisional registration and was told that it would not take effect until December 1st lets see what happens fingers crossed
its not . it don't work like that. who said that was just wanting to get something started.
Actually I wasn’t getting something started there’s already 40+ complaints against them for this. I’ve been working closely with a patient advocate. But thanks for thinking I’m just stirring the pot. Makes me feel so much better and accepted by those I thought I was in the same boat with. Thank you for letting me know you really only care about yourself and not the entire community. I try to keep others informed from what has gone on around the state and not in just my little world. I thought the community would like to know what’s really going on but I guess you don’t care as long as you get yours. Right? I don’t even know why I bother. No one listens and no one cares. Maybe I’ll come back when I still don’t have my card at 180days
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Actually I wasn’t getting something started there’s already 40+ complaints against them for this. I’ve been working closely with a patient advocate. But thanks for thinking I’m just stirring the pot. Makes me feel so much better and accepted by those I thought I was in the same boat with. Thank you for letting me know you really only care about yourself and not the entire community. I try to keep others informed from what has gone on around the state and not in just my little world. I thought the community would like to know what’s really going on but I guess you don’t care as long as you get yours. Right? I don’t even know why I bother. No one listens and no one cares. Maybe I’ll come back when I still don’t have my card at 180days
I didn't call you out , I was just being positive . but If you wanna think I was talking about you that's fine , If there is a next time I will use your id... or what ever that is. most everything on here is speculation , I try to stay about 80 percent positive , maybe more, dang , you were pretty HARSH on me , yeah ..I only care about don't know me . ..and getting a conversation started , not anything with stirring the pot. awful quick to judge.
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I'm not going to go out of my way to defend the IDPH, but I do think the level of criticism they receive in this thread is overstated. And I'm not talking about the 90-day approval time, which I've previously posted that I think is ridiculous. But other than that -- even under a cannabis-hostile prior governor -- the department seems to handle the program relatively efficiently. Case in point: you don't hear about people getting denied very often. Say what you will about the IDPH, at least they are giving people access to the medicine they want (albeit too slowly).

I get that people have legitimate issues with the Illinois program, and its far from perfect. But a little perspective is needed. Yes, Illinois is years behind California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Washington, etc. But we're years ahead of our Midwestern brethren: Indiana, Kentucky, Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Minnesota (really, only Michigan is ahead of us right now). Hell, Indiana just legalized (non-intoxicating) CBD this year, when we in Illinois have been able to buy CBD for years on the shelves at Whole Foods and GNC. We're probably going to be the 2nd legal state in the Midwest, and, in theory, we could still beat Michigan to recreational retail since they won't roll that out until 2020. All things considered, I think Illinois deserves a passing grade on cannabis politics....

To be fair, the bill requires the IDPH to "implement" rules for the new law by December 1, but doesn't explicitly say that provision access itself must start by that date. Indeed, before provisional access can start, the dispensaries need to be trained how to use the IDPH website/database to identify valid provisional access patients. I don't think it's realistic to think that provisional access will be live until 1/1 at the earliest, but I'd love to be proven wrong.

Morning eyes, little coffee, 13 hours of unintended sleep, so I apologize in advance for anything I get wrong.
PA started out behind us as far as their law. Their card issuance was always ahead, their program quickly moved to at least be equal.

A lot of IL's problem was the law, like requiring fingerprints, putting our cards on our license plates and into the PMP. Didn't it even start out saying Drs needed fingerprints and background checks?
But from day 1 a lot of IL's problem was IDPH. This was shown by those unelected officials trying to turn mmj into a gun ban with their rule making. PA does have that same issue that needs to be worked out but it's more correctly coming from the police rather than a doctor. IDPH is who wanted refingerprinting. IDPH is who came up with the high license cost in spite of them not doing a thing to justify them.

I doubt we beat MI to having stores. We'll be a year after passage so May-June of 2020 for us.

If you go to the online application page, scroll down, there is a registry card verification. It's been there since I applied 9/28. You select the type, put in the QP. It doesn't take training. There is no excuse to delay provisional access. They've had 3 months to work on getting the computer system to assign a QP and spit out a letter on 12/1. Plus they've already done it before, just not instantly. (And if I know the basics of how to make that work IT at IDPH should know to do it, spitting out form letters from data bases is their job.)

1/1 is only acceptable because it's a month. But that it's exactly a month should tell anyone that they are making people suffer not because of need. (And I know 1/1 is hypothetical.)
Sounds like you do your research. Im not sure if you would add this as a credible issue but if idph just gave everyone provisional access I don't think the dispensaries would meet the demand of cannabis. Everyone gets a card but no bud because grow ops at the moment aren't producing full capacity due to the limited amount of patients. What do you think?

I've considered that. About 2000 patients all at once, 55 dispensaries. I would think that could cause shortages. I would also hope that has been planned for since the growers have known that it's coming sometime and have planned for it. They've had easily enough time for a grow cycle.
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I've considered that. About 2000 patients all at once, 55 dispensaries. I would think that could cause shortages. I would also hope that has been planned for since the growers have known that it's coming sometimes and have planned for it. They've had easily enough time for a grow cycle.
I have read several articles on the subject . they are "kinda" ready everything its knowing only what you read , so it leaves room for speculation. I just read an article , I think was from moline , I will go look for it . here is one was kinda good . I went to School with Matt Stern
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I have read several articles on the subject . they are "kinda" ready everything its knowing only what you read , so it leaves room for speculation. I just read an article , I think was from moline , I will go look for it . here is one was kinda good . I went to School with Matt Stern

Really what provisional on the backlog does is put a couple months of patients into the system in a day or 3 rather than spread out. They're into late September so if it started today, all of October and November and a week of September. After that they filter in just like they do from IDPH.
I guess that would be 4000 patients, I said my brain is foggy :) That 4000 is out of about 40,000 patients being stocked for. It could cause a problem but it should've been planned for as far as grower stock goes. There may need to be a lot of deliveries made to some dispensaries the day after it goes into effect is all.
Really what provisional on the backlog does is put a couple months of patients into the system in a day or 3 rather than spread out. They're into late September so if it started today, all of October and November and a week of September. After that they filter in just like they do from IDPH.
I guess that would be 4000 patients, I said my brain is foggy :) That 4000 is out of about 40,000 patients being stocked for. It could cause a problem but it should've been planned for as far as grower stock goes. There may need to be a lot of deliveries made to some dispensaries the day after it goes into effect is all.
I think more like 2000 / a month , they had 24,000 and it about doubled / I think that's right ?
Really what provisional on the backlog does is put a couple months of patients into the system in a day or 3 rather than spread out. They're into late September so if it started today, all of October and November and a week of September. After that they filter in just like they do from IDPH.
I guess that would be 4000 patients, I said my brain is foggy :) That 4000 is out of about 40,000 patients being stocked for. It could cause a problem but it should've been planned for as far as grower stock goes. There may need to be a lot of deliveries made to some dispensaries the day after it goes into effect is all.
yes , the law is clear on provisional registration for patients that have a app sent and paid for/ also in the law , it does not just say "online apps"/as it has been done before , there is no need to wait for an opioid law to be made clear
I think more like 2000 / a month , they had 24,000 and it about doubled / I think that's right ?

The about 2000 a month is what makes me think we wait 90 days because they want us to wait 90 days. In spite of the law previously saying 30 days. They speed up, they slow down, they always manage to be 2 months behind.
They said no backgrounds increased applications to someone that called yet they're still a couple months behind with no increase in approval numbers.

yes , the law is clear on provisional registration for patients that have a app sent and paid for/ also in the law , it does not just say "online apps"/as it has been done before , there is no need to wait for an opioid law to be made clear

It does say provisional is just for online applications.

"(s-5) "Provisional registration" means a document issued
by the Department of Public Health to a qualifying patient who
has submitted: (1) an online application and paid a fee to
participate in Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot
Program pending approval or denial of the patient's
application; or (2) a completed application for terminal

Where I think all applications may eventually be online through dispensaries is a shared form, (a) is qualified conditions (d) is opioid alternatives.

"(e) The Department of Public Health may provide a single
certification form for subsections (a) and (d) of this Section,
provided that all requirements of those subsections are
included on the form.
(f) The Department of Public Health shall not include the
word "cannabis" on any application forms or written
certification forms that it issues under this Section."
The about 2000 a month is what makes me think we wait 90 days because they want us to wait 90 days. In spite of the law previously saying 30 days. They speed up, they slow down, they always manage to be 2 months behind.
They said no backgrounds increased applications to someone that called yet they're still a couple months behind with no increase in approval numbers.

It does say provisional is just for online applications.

"(s-5) "Provisional registration" means a document issued
by the Department of Public Health to a qualifying patient who
has submitted: (1) an online application and paid a fee to
participate in Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot
Program pending approval or denial of the patient's
application; or (2) a completed application for terminal

Where I think all applications may eventually be online through dispensaries is a shared form, (a) is qualified conditions (d) is opioid alternatives.

"(e) The Department of Public Health may provide a single
certification form for subsections (a) and (d) of this Section,
provided that all requirements of those subsections are
included on the form.
(f) The Department of Public Health shall not include the
word "cannabis" on any application forms or written
certification forms that it issues under this Section."
go read the entire law , the language also reads " Written " apps / might be section 55 , not sure without going back , but it does include written/ which I was surprised , the online is already in the system , I think I read it in 410 ILCS 130
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go read the entire law , the language also reads " Written " apps / might be section 55 , not sure without going back , but it does include written/ which I was surprised , the online is already in the system , I think I read it in 410 ILCS 130

55 b says written certification of the condition, but also says and completed an online application.

I don't see how provisional could happen with mail in because you still need IDPH to get around to opening the letter, which we know takes most of the 90 day wait.
55 b says written certification of the condition, but also says and completed an online application.

I don't see how provisional could happen with mail in because you still need IDPH to get around to opening the letter, which we know takes most of the 90 day wait.
yes , I agree. why not just complete the app , if you have to open it ! maybe what I read was before an online app was an option ??? I read a lot last night , and re-read it cause that's what I thought too
55 b says written certification of the condition, but also says and completed an online application.

I don't see how provisional could happen with mail in because you still need IDPH to get around to opening the letter, which we know takes most of the 90 day wait.
I ctrl F registration , there is 88 of them, I cant find it ...I am babysitting too ….so didn't look at them all. I know darn well I read it so9mewhere ! hahaaa,,,maybe dreaming ??? I am 'online" app
I ctrl F registration , there is 88 of them, I cant find it ...I am babysitting too ….so didn't look at them all. I know darn well I read it so9mewhere ! hahaaa,,,maybe dreaming ??? I am 'online" app

If you're using the public act that comes up from the opioid alternative bill you should only need to focus on the ones that are underlined, those would be the new changes.

What I looked for was "provisional". Maybe "provisional registration" would narrow it down. Mine doesn't count how many or I'd tell you.
If you're using the public act that comes up from the opioid alternative bill you should only need to focus on the ones that are underlined, those would be the new changes.

What I looked for was "provisional". Maybe "provisional registration" would narrow it down. Mine doesn't count how many or I'd tell you.
yeah , I should have book marked it , cause I was surprised , I read it a few times , I know im not seeing things ...hahaaaa , I hope not anyway ! its funny that there isn't any "news" of the December 1st deadline....but I wouldn't be surprised if some temp cards started showing up. my timeline is October 4th online , so I might not get one but November apps may ?? all speculation