Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

Might as well throw my timline out for other MCO applicants.

Doctors appointment September 12th
Mailed all the info on September 14th
Emailed earlier this week to see if application was recieved and got a quick response saying it was recieved (Not sure if they really checked or not) but they didn’t state when it was recieved. Check still hasn’t been cashed
Might as well throw my timline out for other MCO applicants.

Doctors appointment September 12th
Mailed all the info on September 14th
Emailed earlier this week to see if application was recieved and got a quick response saying it was recieved (Not sure if they really checked or not) but they didn’t state when it was recieved. Check still hasn’t been cashed

If you want to know when, I would give them a call and politely ask! You Maybe on hold a while, or it may take a while to get through tho!
If you want to know when, I would give them a call and politely ask! You Maybe on hold a while, or it may take a while to get through tho!
I’ve tried multiple times but have only made it to the queue twice for about 15 minutes then I get the message of high call volume before it disconnects
That they're still taking this long without background checks is ridiculous

On this we agree 100%. While I personally don't have a poor opinion of the IDPH, I do think the overall wait time is a serious black-eye on the Illinois mmj program. The existence of this very thread proves the point: no other state has a 178-page discussion about the god-damned approval wait time. While (imho) the Illinois mmj program is actually pretty good compared to others in the Midwest (Michigan excluded, of course), I don't think any other state makes applicants wait so long to become recognized patients.

Thankfully, this'll soon be a thing of the past with provisional access for qualifying patients, and the immediate access that the opiate program will offer from the start. Indeed, in a couple months (knock on wood) this thread will become be a ghosttown ... and that's a good thing.
On this we agree 100%. While I personally don't have a poor opinion of the IDPH, I do think the overall wait time is a serious black-eye on the Illinois mmj program. The existence of this very thread proves the point: no other state has a 178-page discussion about the god-damned approval wait time. While (imho) the Illinois mmj program is actually pretty good compared to others in the Midwest (Michigan excluded, of course), I don't think any other state makes applicants wait so long to become recognized patients.

Thankfully, this'll soon be a thing of the past with provisional access for qualifying patients, and the immediate access that the opiate program will offer from the start. Indeed, in a couple months (knock on wood) this thread will become be a ghosttown ... and that's a good thing.

If so, I will miss you all
Indeed, in a couple months (knock on wood) this thread will become be a ghosttown ... and that's a good thing.

That's what I thought/hope. If Opioids and Qualifying shares the same form and both go directly to the dispensary this nightmare should be over.
Before I read the shared application option in the law I was thinking we need to get it known to not mail them in so you know when the check is cashed.
Doctors , some Nurse Prac. have DEA numbers that allow them to write prescriptions.

I get your point, but the doctors are really skittish about associating medical cannabis with the whole prescription process. Since cannabis is illegal at the Federal level, doctors can't prescribe it under existing legal and ethical guidelines. It would also put them in jeopardy on their insurance policies. That's why in Illinois and other states the doctors gives a mmj "recommendation" but not a "prescription."

(That's also why so many doctors won't write mmj recommendations (too much professional risk) forcing so people to find sympathetic doctor's willing to engage in the mmj process (like Innovative Express.)
I get your point, but the doctors are really skittish about associating medical cannabis with the whole prescription process. Since cannabis is illegal at the Federal level, doctors can't prescribe it under existing legal and ethical guidelines. It would also put them in jeopardy on their insurance policies. That's why in Illinois and other states the doctors gives a mmj "recommendation" but not a "prescription."

(That's also why so many doctors won't write mmj recommendations (too much professional risk) forcing so people to find sympathetic doctor's willing to engage in the mmj process (like Innovative Express.)
This is very true ! where I am located it is hard to find a Dr. to sign your app. but can be done / not what you know , but who / maybe some day the stigma will be gone and Dr.s will be able to write such a prescription . keep the faith and positive outlook !
And dispenceries and and good deals! I’m sure all didpencieres vary with what they carry and shit! So if someone needs something different and your dispencery is out, we can help each other
Good Point !besides flower , I am looking forward to tinctures / CBD ! I was taking 4 ibuprofen morning /again at night. I was getting " old man" bruises … so I stopped them , and have found a CBD /mail order/ that's not bad. so looking forward to the good stuff , and a better price
Have you guys heard of Kratom? I’ve been using that because it’s been so much safer and better than Oxy’s. Same effect, but it’s legal.
I have heard of it , and not so sure about the safe part , I am sure you would know more about it than I . I will have to google , but seems like not everyone reacts to it the same ???
I have heard of it , and not so sure about the safe part , I am sure you would know more about it than I . I will have to google , but seems like not everyone reacts to it the same ???
There are a lot of articles about it, about people using it, but also having a cocktail of different drugs in their system. I have been using it for the better part of a year, 1-2 times a week, and haven’t had any cravings or dependency like I would when I would take Norco or oxy