Illinois illegally seizes Bees Resistant to Monsanto’s


Well-Known Member
The reason it pisses you off, is because you want and need that, right now. Try to get up on your Social Consciousness. It's cool.

But, just understand, this is complete bullshit. And if you studied it you would know. But, you don't.

Why? I just told you. You want to be aroused. And Monsanto is not organic as shit, like you want.

This is just too easy, too shallow...that's why HATE, is popular. It is the dumbest of emotions and so the easiest to tamper.

Can you see that?


Well-Known Member
In fact HATE is such a dumb emotion is the basic troll tool. Spew hate, accuse others of hate.

Just babies still.


Well-Known Member
Weed-Whacking Herbicide Proves Deadly to Human Cells
Used in yards, farms and parks throughout the world, Roundup has long been a top-selling weed killer. But now researchers have found that one of Roundup’s inert ingredients can kill human cells, particularly embryonic, placental and umbilical cord cells.
Roundup is not the first persistent organic pollutant marketed by Monsanto. DDT almost caused the extinctions of several species of raptors.

Of course Monsanto wants to stifle private research on the effects of Roundup.


Ursus marijanus
The toxin in question is "polyethoxylated tallow amine", a nonionic surfactant (detergent). It has been found to be the cytotoxin. that isn't much of a surprise, since surfactants of the nonionic and cationic variety are widely used as cytotoxins. Benzalkonium is the prototypical cationic surfactant and the active ingredient in many disinfectants. cn


Well-Known Member
The toxin in question is "polyethoxylated tallow amine", a nonionic surfactant (detergent). It has been found to be the cytotoxin. that isn't much of a surprise, since surfactants of the nonionic and cationic variety are widely used as cytotoxins. Benzalkonium is the prototypical cationic surfactant and the active ingredient in many disinfectants. cn

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Good thing it's bullshit then eh?

Roundup is a herbicide it acts on plants not bees and insects

As such all fucking bees are resistant to round up!

Monsanto is nothing to do with this story
If it is only effective for killing plants then why don't you use it as mouthwash?

It really isn't such a stretch to link the decline in bee populations around the world to the prevalent use of herbicides.

Monsanto is one of the scariest entities out there.


Well-Known Member
If it is only effective for killing plants then why don't you use it as mouthwash?

It really isn't such a stretch to link the decline in bee populations around the world to the prevalent use of herbicides.

Monsanto is one of the scariest entities out there.
Dude, this the hippy devil and the hippies want you to fear. For now we have the commercial agenda of Organix.

Yes, it is a stretch if there is no evidence..

But, Organix must prevail over evil wevils with suits and pens.


Well-Known Member
Also, it is designed to attack the roots, so the findings which indicate that it damages human stem cells ought to raise an alarm, particularly when you understand what foul brood syndrome does to bee colonies. It only affects pupa.

Also, DDT was thought to only affect insects, but it is well known now that it was persistent in ecosystems and led to thinning of the egg shells of raptors.

I think it is quite possible that this man found that his bees had a genetic adaptation and that Monsanto wishes to patent this gene. That would be extremely profitable.



Well-Known Member
If it is only effective for killing plants then why don't you use it as mouthwash?

It really isn't such a stretch to link the decline in bee populations around the world to the prevalent use of herbicides.

Monsanto is one of the scariest entities out there.
No, the scary entities are the ones who keep buying Monsanto products. Without customers. Monsanto goes out of business.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
easier said than done. It is hard to be in commercial agriculture without using some of their products depending on the crops grown. Now with the gov't allowing them not to disclose their use of gmo's. Even worse.


Well-Known Member
easier said than done. It is hard to be in commercial agriculture without using some of their products depending on the crops grown. Now with the gov't allowing them not to disclose their use of gmo's. Even worse.
Not buying their products is much harder than complaining about them on a dope forum.