

Active Member
I have a friend in the states that is eerie about sending seeds over to Canada where I’m from is there anybody that could help me out as to tell me if it’s illegal or the person is just being sketchy?


Well-Known Member
Meh, some folks in the US are sketched out about sending seeds out of country and this is even the case with some reputable seed vendors...

If they believe that their business or livelihood/freedom is put at an unreasonable risk by shipping international then its pretty hard to judge them or knock them on that.


Active Member
It's really simple to go one town over and mail a package with the return address of some local business like a bike shop or whatever. Or even to just stick an envelope in the mail with no return address on it. We don't have to show ID or anything to mail something.
There’s a place in Maine where my friends mom has something mailed to like a hardware store that has a post office in the back shop they receive packages all the time so that’s what I’m going to do have it sent there and I’m gonna go pick it up it’s only a few hours drive from here

Hawg Wild

Well-Known Member
There’s a place in Maine where my friends mom has something mailed to like a hardware store that has a post office in the back shop they receive packages all the time so that’s what I’m going to do have it sent there and I’m gonna go pick it up it’s only a few hours drive from here
What I meant was that there is virtually no risk on the sender's end unless they're dumb enough to put their own return address on it or pay for the shipping with a traceable method (i.e. debit card). All the risk lies with the receiving party.


Well-Known Member
Seeds are sort of a grey area. They dont contain any THC and a prosecutor would have to prove they are not legal hemp seeds by growing them out and then having it officially lab tested...all of which takes too much time and effort. Unless you are running a seed bank, the only thing you have to worry about is having your order confiscated and destroyed.


Active Member
Seeds are sort of a grey area. They dont contain any THC and a prosecutor would have to prove they are not legal hemp seeds by growing them out and then having it officially lab tested...all of which takes too much time and effort. Unless you are running a seed bank, the only thing you have to worry about is having your order confiscated and destroyed.
Nope. No seed bank operation here just trying to grow some good weed


Well-Known Member
While it is technically illegal, I don't think I've ever heard of a case where someone was busted for sending a few seeds to a friend. Usually, if anything happens, they just get confiscated and disposed of at customs if they are being sent internationally. I've sent seeds to friends before, and actually just threw a few in with a grow light that I shipped out to a friend who is getting setup for his first home grow in the mid-west.


Well-Known Member
I order seeds and trade seeds between Canada and USA all the time.

never had an issue but just use stealth shipping like a dvd case or something
I've sent them 1st class. I just put them in a small vial, sandwich the vial between two pieces of thin cardboard that I cut to fit in a 1st class envelope and tape all 4 sides, and then slip it in the envelope and mail it out. I've also used a single piece of thicker cardboard, poked holes in one side, stuck a seed in each hole, then taped over each hole and stuffed in in an envelope. It just feels like a thick letter when it is sent.


Well-Known Member
I've sent them 1st class. I just put them in a small vial, sandwich the vial between two pieces of thin cardboard that I cut to fit in a 1st class envelope and tape all 4 sides, and then slip it in the envelope and mail it out. I've also used a single piece of thicker cardboard, poked holes in one side, stuck a seed in each hole, then taped over each hole and stuffed in in an envelope. It just feels like a thick letter when it is sent.
Did you have any problems with the seeds being crushed, when placing into cardboard and taping?