Illegal Arrest: KNOW YOUR RIGHTS


Well-Known Member
Why would you use a Taser on a guy when he is cuffed and laying prone face down on the floor with a big ole boot on his neck? Why? Do you think the victim was going to jump up, spin around and kill all 4 cops before they could do anything? The guy just went nuts, that's the only thing I can think of, he just pulled his gun while having some kind of PTSD episode and shot that dude. That's the only rational explanation I can muster, why else would you take any kind of corrective action to someone who is totally harmless?


Well-Known Member
well you have to understand that these guys taser old women for not getting out of their car. i believe the victim had one arm loose. im not sure of that though. i am not trying to defend the scumbag cop but they legally and lawfully taser motherfuckers all the time. they get away with it. you dont have to fight them. all you have top do is not follow their directions.

this is a whole other subject in itself. i think they are running rampant with these fucking tasers. before tasers they were not allowed to just punch you in the face for not complying. now they just taser you anytime you dont listen. ifr i just sit on the ground peacefully and say im not going nowhere pig, they will taser me. they could just put cuffs on me and arrest me but that would be to boring.

they can and will taser someone who is cuffed. they are allowed by law. even though that is fucked up. if you are cuffed and wont get out of the squad car, they will tase you. so i definetly see how he would tase this dude in the video. i would love to walk up to a cop and taser his nuts off.