I'll try to help you noobs out once again-the plant needs plenty of N until harvest.


Well-Known Member
I have a few questions:

1. Do you always know when your plants are 2 weeks out....even with new strains? If I guessed when my plants are 2 weeks out during the past 2 years of growing I'd be wrong about 50% of the time.

2. Have you ever done a side-by-side comparison between feeding until the end and doing it the way you're doing it now?

3. What do you base your "better quality" statement on?
I am not who you asked but I will answer from my own experiences...

1. For me, I wait until I put my scope down and see the first true amber. When I see the first real amber crystal in the upper middle of the plant, I know it is coming to an end soon and I start preparing.

2. Yes, numerous times.

3. I didn't make that statement of course, but in my own experiences, experimenting a lot of different harvest prep techniques, I prefer yellowing leaves, flushed, 3 days darkness. I have done none of those many times, some of those, different combinations of those, and in the end, I have always liked the yellow/flushed/3days better than any other combination.
Those who smoke what I grow, without knowing what I did or did not do, always prefer the yellowed/flushed/3days as well when they have gotten buds from the side by sides.
I will even go so far as to say, my best friend, who is also a grower, is a much better general gardener. He keeps his plants green and lush all the way to harvest. He will tell you right now that my buds are always better than his and it drives him crazy because we both know he is a great general purpose grower. His entire backyard is one big flower bed with wooden paths through them.

I also am a firm believer in grow how you want. I love the hobby of growing more then actually smoking these days. Have fun and enjoy what you do. If it makes you happy, that is what is important over all.


Well-Known Member
welcome to the (new age) can you say instend gratification? Every 20th century kid is all about the here and now. I find it funny that they take the time to write a forum post and ask ?'s but they cant Google it. what up with that?
One problem with "google it" is the rampant exploitation of SEO (search engine optimization). Reading 10+ result pages of gibberish is fucking tedious and discouraging. Going to a forum and asking real people who already know what you're having trouble finding through an abused automated system, is a better approach, IMO.


Well-Known Member
It definitely should be common sense that a green healthy plant at harvest is better than a deficient plant. Everything is better healthy. That's the law of nature.
Yeah i consider that part self-evident. However, once seriously investigating the details, it gets overwhelming pretty quickly; there's way more to learn than i think most people realize they're getting into.


Well-Known Member
Going to a forum and asking real people who already know what you're having trouble finding through an abused automated system, is a better approach, IMO.
Even better would be if we had a wiki. A community-driven knowledge base. Easily discoverable, referential information. Not each new user asking the same questions. Not bent-out-of-shape experts telling them to find one of the previous thousand questions.

Defacement/spamming of the wiki could be reduced by tying edit authority to a forum user's number of posts and age of account.


Well-Known Member
It definitely should be common sense that a green healthy plant at harvest is better than a deficient plant. Everything is better healthy. That's the law of nature.
You must have never seen one of those guys who go to the gym every day and only works on his upper body.
His chest and arms look like a bodybuilder and his legs look like they belong on a chicken. Well, if all he wants is muscular arms and chest, then he is doing the right thing. I personally dont care about the stems and leaves (legs) I want my focus to be on arms and chest (buds). So yeah...


Well-Known Member
i know im late to the party ....... but i have a question ......
i also feed N up until about mid flower ........

time for the question ......... how do i fix the " clawing " o_O


Well-Known Member
You must have never seen one of those guys who go to the gym every day and only works on his upper body.
His chest and arms look like a bodybuilder and his legs look like they belong on a chicken. Well, if all he wants is muscular arms and chest, then he is doing the right thing. I personally dont care about the stems and leaves (legs) I want my focus to be on arms and chest (buds). So yeah...
"Necrosis (from the Greek νέκρωσις "death, the stage of dying, the act of killing" from νεκρός "dead") is a form of cell injury that results in the premature death of cells in living tissue by autolysis.[1]Necrosis is caused by factors external to the cell or tissue, such as infection, toxins, or trauma that result in the unregulated digestion of cell components. In contrast, apoptosis is a naturally occurring programmed and targeted cause of cellular death. While apoptosis often provides beneficial effects to the organism, necrosis is almost always detrimental and can be fatal"

This is what you are doing to the plant, and yes they are supposed to die, But, nature doesn't lie. Healthy is good unhealthy is bad. no matter how you look at it. Maybe the necrosis is causing more cbd to be generated witch gives a stronger effect to someone who chops down to early. But if you let a plant go long enough with green leaves that plant will always be better than the deficient one. And you can take that to the bank.( using same clippings) :P
Yeah but when u can't stand to smoke the stuff because no flush what's the point grow better and advanced growers ha been doin it since I was a kid 30 freekn years and just know not haveing leafs fall of from the bottom up indwc guess what needs some n in flower or u want have no leaves still get buds whoever said focus on buds not stems thank u ive had water hose size base stems and only got 3 oz sugar black rose 4 week veg day 16 flower little n still got leafs yeah 2nd post ever yeah



Well-Known Member
See my Moisture Stress thread.
i have read it
this is a n tox im pretty sure . that shows after the transition to flower on my haze plants .
if i flush the first week of 12/12 it doesnt do it
then i can go back to my bloom feed which has nitrogen in it
but i use coco or peat and perlite as a base normally , amended with lime , worm castings and good ole fashioned 8-8-8 general purpose garden fertilizer the granule stuff
the mother did it every grow the F1's that look like the mom are doing it now have like 5 eagles in the closet at the moment
and in a week or so it will be normal again.
i just dont see it being a overwatering issue
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Well-Known Member
I love the hobby of growing more then actually smoking these days. Have fun and enjoy what you do. If it makes you happy, that is what is important over all.
Because of the fact that I get tested quite often, I can't smoke any more than a hit or two of a newly cured strain, but I enjoy growing so I keep doing it.
I was never otherwise a green thumb type, so I really didnt expect that to happen.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Replied to a PM FYI. Question was about sativas and whether to prune or not:

"Keep in mind that every leaf is providing food for the plant. If it's not, the plant uses a CO2 flag to check leaf production and will drop it if the leaf's CO2 processes are below a certain threshold.. With sativas you have to do what you have to do. I've grown plenty of sativas indoors and all were topped, not internally pruned, from veg thru flowering numerous times. That or you have to have a 10' ceiling!

Good luck"