ILGM Pineapple Haze and Chocolope Water Only Organic


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be too concerned about the fade, you don't want to be dumping a bunch of stuff in your soil at this point. Next time, top dress with some organic, dry all purpose at flip then something geared more towards fruiting and flowering like a 2-2-4 or similar at three weeks from flip. If you are growing long flowering genotypes then do the second top dress at 4 or 5 weeks from flip.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Don. Yeah, i didnt really realize how important adding additional stuff was until Wattz gave me a little guidance there and it all makes sense now. I appreciate everyones help and input.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Don. Yeah, i didnt really realize how important adding additional stuff was until Wattz gave me a little guidance there and it all makes sense now. I appreciate everyones help and input.
There’s a bunch of organic threads on here. You can be as simple as just top dressing your bag soil. All the way to making your own soil, with worms etc. No matter what you decide there is someone on here doing that way that can probably help you.


Well-Known Member
O.K. here they are at 6 weeks after I flipped to 12/12. Just a waiting game now but i do have these other three plants to incorporate a lot of what everyone has said in here. Anyway, I have bunch of seeds from a plant I polinated a while back. You know, i just thought I should have an envelope full of seeds just in case i couldnt buy any anymore. That was a while ago. These seeds kick out all kinds of crazy plants. Here is one of the latest. Totally full of branches everywhere...or at least it seems like that to me.



Well-Known Member
Damn I havent seen someone using this soil mix in a long ass time. Nice job for sure. You on a 8 week strain?


Well-Known Member
The pineapple says 12 weeks and the chocolope says 10 weeks on the website but i dont really pay attention to that all too much.


Well-Known Member
Not a lot happening. We will see how bad the yellowing gets as they finish because they have some weeks left. I will definantly add the organic dry fert a couple weeks before the flip next time to help keep them green longer.
Looking good, bro. Don't let that fade concern you. It takes a lot of food to build big flowers like that, it's natural.


Well-Known Member
I would definitely add some kelp with your top dress. Kelp is awesome for macronutrients. I like to top dress with dry organic fertilizer (I prefer Biolive from DTE), EWC, and kelp.

Something else to consider is a cover crop. Something like legumes, vetch, and/or clover (along with specific bacteria) will take nitrogen from the atmosphere and put it back into the soil as plant available nutrition. Pretty sweet, when you think about it. Here's a good read about it: Nitrogen fixing. That's just the tip of the iceberg for a living soil.... LOL. That rabbit hole can get pretty deep if you want to nerd out on your soil. There's SO MUCH more to soil than just holding your plant in place!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Slow, i appreciate the help. I had read a little abour cover crops in the legume family are able to get notrogen from the air. Found that out looking to see why plants go nuts during a lightning storm and it said it had to do with nitrogen conversion in the air into useable form for plants and had mentioned only a few types can do this naturally. I look forward to reading your link.


Well-Known Member
I actually just got some ILGM Chocolope the other day, so I'm excited to see how your run turns out. Make sure you post a smoke report! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Here we are at roughly 8 weeks. I put the ILGM Super Lemon Haze (left) and my Field of Dreams strain (right) into 12/12 last week so they are starting to take off. I hope to do better on those using a lot of the advice you guys have given me. Thanks a bunch, you're all a big help and much appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Took some pictures of the trichomes today. I will start paying more attention to them now that they are starting to get cloudy now. First three are the Pineapple Haze and the others are the Chocolope. I see a piece of thread on the last pic.



Well-Known Member
Took some pictures of the trichomes today. I will start paying more attention to them now that they are starting to get cloudy now. First three are the Pineapple Haze and the others are the Chocolope. I see a piece of thread on the last pic.
Ooh I see some amber
Good job.
Once you see 10% amber average across chunks of colas, cut'er down


Well-Known Member
So i turned off lights for a couple days, cut off fans and chopped and hung for a couple more, separated some smaller buds off stems, cut off tops then put them in a brown paper bag for a few more. Felt dry enough so put them in the jars and will open and check buds and leave open accordingly until I can leave them closed.

2.66 oz each plant so I think the lack of feeding really hurt the yield. So this soil mix, as I did it, will take me all the way through flower but probably not as well as adding organic fertilizers at certain times as she grows.

That said, it smells good and is plenty potent so, in the scheme of things, a good enough grow for me and the next one will be even better.

On this next grow I added some 3-4-3 Dr Earth two weeks before I switched the light schedule. Five weeks later I gave them 3-6-4 Burpee. They are coming along fine. Thanks for all the help everyone.



Well-Known Member
So i turned off lights for a couple days, cut off fans and chopped and hung for a couple more, separated some smaller buds off stems, cut off tops then put them in a brown paper bag for a few more. Felt dry enough so put them in the jars and will open and check buds and leave open accordingly until I can leave them closed.

2.66 oz each plant so I think the lack of feeding really hurt the yield. So this soil mix, as I did it, will take me all the way through flower but probably not as well as adding organic fertilizers at certain times as she grows.

That said, it smells good and is plenty potent so, in the scheme of things, a good enough grow for me and the next one will be even better.

On this next grow I added some 3-4-3 Dr Earth two weeks before I switched the light schedule. Five weeks later I gave them 3-6-4 Burpee. They are coming along fine. Thanks for all the help everyone.
Congrats! Looks good.


Well-Known Member
So i turned off lights for a couple days, cut off fans and chopped and hung for a couple more, separated some smaller buds off stems, cut off tops then put them in a brown paper bag for a few more. Felt dry enough so put them in the jars and will open and check buds and leave open accordingly until I can leave them closed.

2.66 oz each plant so I think the lack of feeding really hurt the yield. So this soil mix, as I did it, will take me all the way through flower but probably not as well as adding organic fertilizers at certain times as she grows.

That said, it smells good and is plenty potent so, in the scheme of things, a good enough grow for me and the next one will be even better.

On this next grow I added some 3-4-3 Dr Earth two weeks before I switched the light schedule. Five weeks later I gave them 3-6-4 Burpee. They are coming along fine. Thanks for all the help everyone.
Looking real good! Looks like alot less fade this run.