ILGM GG#4 (fem photo)

So I’ve checked out 3 different sites so far nothing under 10$ per seed. Are you getting stuff on sale? And how are they giving freebies when you’re paying less than $5 per seed. Something seems off
What are you looking at? I have no idea how to respond to that when I don't even know what sites you're referring to. Some on that list carry a bunch of bullshit along with the decent stuff. Some carry overhyped bullshit breeders who charge way too much. That was a list of places I've dealt with successfully.
If you want good seeds really cheap, look at Beanhoarder on Hemp Depot (Canada-based) or anything on Seedheaven (Denmark-based). Those are all going to be regs. Not sure if that matters or not. Same with The Rev's stuff at Kingdom Organic Seeds. Only regs but some of his crosses are as low as $40 a pack plus there's always freebies.
Eso's Seeds is a forum member here and he has fems for way less than $5 a seed. Check out his site. I'm hesitant to post links or whatever because I seem to remember that it's against a rule or something.
Also sign up for emails from Greenline Organics (gloseedbank) and you'll get emails with sale prices way lower than what's listed on the site plus they take credit cards throuh a secure processor.
I care about the preservation of the gene pool and the unique expressions therein. I don't give two shits what you smoke. But when you give 3 of your buddies your "Cookies" cut or your "Malawi Gold" or whatever and it starts making its way around, as these things do, then it isn't long before the next pollen chucker in line ends up breeding with the shit.

Just get stoned as fuck and that's done with it.

Also who is dumb?

I buy cheap quality seeds that I know will stone the fuck out of me and here I am 39 years later still fucking stoned more than ever!

Seed Stockers seeds are as cheap as chips.

How's that work out then dumb cunt as you said to me.

Also FYI, I have only 1 single un germed seeds from BF and if I grow it it will be the first BF seed I've ever done. By the way, I have no doubt it will turn out good, thousands have had smashing end products so why would I doubt them many thousands who grow their seeds

Proof is in the pudding and you are blind to it all except your American super duper hyped seeds.

Get of your high horse FFS.
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What are you looking at? I have no idea how to respond to that when I don't even know what sites you're referring to. Some on that list carry a bunch of bullshit along with the decent stuff. Some carry overhyped bullshit breeders who charge way too much. That was a list of places I've dealt with successfully.
I went to Oregon seeds, Ice river genetics, ethos, all these are $10 a seed. No problem you gave me enough info to do some research. Thanks again!
Legitimate seedbanks that I have personal experience with, in no particular order and not all US-based but all available in the US:

Kingdom Organic Seeds, Great Lakes Genetics, Riot Seeds, Hemp Depot, Oregon Elite Seeds, DC Seed Exchange, Baked Beans, Greybeard, Seedsman, Peak Seeds BC, Dr. Greenthumb, Labyrinth, Hella Dank Seed Co, Greenline Organics, Breeder's Direct Seed Co, Greenman Organics, Cannaventure, Eso's Seeds, Greenpoint, Neptune Seed Bank, Seedheaven, Magic Bean Company, James Bean Company, Seeds Here Now.... I know I'm leaving some out. All of those carry at least some breeders whose seeds are made with legitimate genetics and whose pictures of their breeding males and females can be found online, along with full descriptions of their selection process and so on... I didn't come here to trash anyone. I came on the thread to look at the plant and what I saw is not Gorilla Glue. That's all. You made it out to be me trying to shill for someone or act like some elitist. Nope... just hate to see people waste money on fake shit when so many people have been busting their asses for years creating the work that these hucksters are taking credit for and making money from.
Well said.
I went to Oregon seeds, Ice river genetics, ethos, all these are $10 a seed. No problem you gave me enough info to do some research. Thanks again!
Ethos is complete trash, from what I have seen. I would never recommend them to anyone after my real-life buddy got a full blown male from fem seed (and after hearing Colin describe his "breeding" processes in detail). Oregon Elite has a lot of overpriced stuff, but they were the cheapest place for a couple of things last I checked. Ice River Genetics seeds on GLG are nowhere near $10 a seed. I don't know if they have their own site?
Serious question...
Why do you even care about what anyone else grows if they are happy with what they are growing. The vast majority of hobbiest growers don't care about the genetic linage of the seeds they order online as long as they get good results from a seller who stands by their product.

Very true.

If we were breeding race horse it's very different but for the last 3 decades I have grown weed which gets me to the places I need to be without the hype.

Problem is there is too many to choose from and they all jump on the USA genetics super duper bandwagon. Their weed is no better than most of the other stuff out there.

It's all about what each want. I'm happy
I went to Oregon seeds, Ice river genetics, ethos, all these are $10 a seed. No problem you gave me enough info to do some research. Thanks again!
I would suggest going to Great Lakes Genetics, looking at the promos, and putting a few things in your cart then pressing 'View Cart' to take a look at the freebie selection process and then you'll better be able to see what I mean by getting value for your money, getting real genetics, and paying way less per seed (especially factoring in free full packs and so forth). Maybe also go take a look at the Bad Dawg Genetics and GLG threads on this site.
Also I should say that Matt Riot is really fucking cool and knowlegeable and has good genetics, even though I know people will likely give me shit just for mentioning him.
Everytime I click 'show ignored content' it's something from this idiot that I feel dumber for having read. KK this is the last time you'll get any attention from me. I've yet to read a post of yours that contributed anything worthwhile to any conversation.
Everytime I click 'show ignored content' it's something from this idiot that I feel dumber for having read. KK this is the last time you'll get any attention from me. I've yet to read a post of yours that contributed anything worthwhile to any conversation.

You know you love it.

You hounded me with all your mates over 1 single un-germed seed I have.

I have merely commented with my opinion on this thread and just because we have a difference of opinion please cut the victim shit.

You keep looking at that ignore list though don't you........twice in as many days I can remember so there must be something this idiot is saying to make you unclick ignore everytime.

I'm happy that this idiot grows good weed and is not deluded by his countries super duper shitster wankster unicornster ganstamanbro fucker hyped genetics that he continually spouts shit about..........Go Go Trumpster.