compressed air is something i know about but not fully but sureley if you run it through a series of 4 or 5 screw valves you will be abel to dampen the pressure as it passes down the line,
or even use them to fill up a chamber to lower pressuer then feed it slower from there as there will be less push, even then try a screw valve hooken into a DEISEL fuel injector, it presure output would be high so the tab would have to be perfectly ajusted the deisel injector would be super fine (and would most definatly cut skin at high pressures be carefulll :))


hey guys here some advice, i use to play alot of paintball and the part ur looking for is a on/off asa. You can find one at any online paintball store. Mkae sure you get the Eclipse OOPS not the POPS. The OOPS has a knob you can screw in an out so you can actually set it to leak out very slowly for efficiency. Your idea actually interested me though cause I didnt even think about supllementing with a co2 canister. Im actually gonna try but I need to pick up a co2 tank first(compressed air is alot more efficient in pb :P).

For the co2 if you take a 2l bottle 1/2 cups of suger 1 table spon of dry yest and fill up with warm wather about 1/2" from top pop a air lock on it and you will have co2 for weeks just shake the bottle now and then
it will cost you about £1.50 and will last for mouths just ad suger