igrowwithleds....Finally...pics of my finished Grow!!!


Well-Known Member
that was my feeling. just wanted others to pick up on it.
yeah, I felt the same thing after reading other posts.

now with the text it seems glaringly true.

there's one decent LED lamp in those photos and I don't think it can even produce the amount of buds in the photos.

igrowwithleds, I feel you grew those with other lights as well, with some supplemental light with LED's, if anything. Possibly just bringing the LED's in for the photo op. Thats my opinion of you, take it or leave it. Not looking for any arguments, but you seem like a walking billboard, and I don't think your photos are of a real true LED grow. But I doubt it matters to you, as you have alot of weed and probably are getting nice kick back checks.


Well-Known Member
Thats what I was thinking he either works for the company, owns it, or is being sponsored by them. Also in the 4th pic it looks like there is some other kind of light besides leds being used, possibly HPS.


Well-Known Member
i BARELY believe this is pure LED, but one thing i know is that it's still no where near as good as an hps. i don't pay for power so i really don't give a shit about the benefits of LEDs, i just want the best results possible, and the most of them. HPS is all you can ask for.

i am not a shill, i don't care where or who you buy your gear from, but ask yourself what you're looking for out of your results before jumping to any conclusions about LEDs. someone else said it hear a few weeks ago; stick to what's been proven to work, mh/6500k flouro for veg, hps of 2700k flouro for flower. i've seen LEDs used as supplemental side lighting before but dude had one panel on every wall plus a 400w hps and he was still yielding less than 0.5g/watt of hps. he had co2, the whole thing. i really don't understand what all the fuss is about myself.

leds penetrate even less effectively than flourescents. in order to be effective they must be really close to the leaves. a large panel like that still generates heat though not as much, but heat nonetheless. show me a stop-motion video of your grow and i might be slightly closer to trusting what you say.


Well-Known Member
this guys onviously just fishing for sales on his product. can we get this thread removed before some newb comes along dumb enuf to actually purchase this crap expecting a yield like that? who do i have to report this thread to and how do i do it?


Well-Known Member
try to look at his other posts. click his name it says you have to be approved to see what else hes posted. theres no way this guy is legit. BUYER BEWARE!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
that light costs 1800 effing dollars...WTF. You could still get several 1000's for that price...yeah yeah yeah money saved for electrical but itll take you forever to make it back in savings.

I mean im sure its possible to get that yield if the light is rated for 50sq ft but come on who has that much to blow on a led light that others can do for 1/4 of the price in HID....200-500 will give you plenty of HID but 1800$ thats effing ridiculous...if it was like 200 or even 300 bux more would try it out im sure...and also there is nothing special or any reason leds cost that much theyre not new technology...it prolly costs 100 to make it if that and the rest is PROFIT

Get the prices more fair for a average man and Ill consider trying one.


Well-Known Member
Thats what I was thinking he either works for the company, owns it, or is being sponsored by them. Also in the 4th pic it looks like there is some other kind of light besides leds being used, possibly HPS.
WOW your right...I clearly know leds look purple and I own a couple I use for supplemental light...that has a yellowy tinge and is reminiscent of HPS...I never seen any LED give that hue...FAKE
but I wish it were true I like the idea and looks of them damn things.


Well-Known Member
His pics are like ads because....How else is he gonna get rid of those expensive ass lights he bought not knowing how shitty they are. Hes trying to get his money back. He probly bought a bunch of them thinking they would be all the rage, and they sucked, so now hes stuck with an inferior product that no one wants, that he paid truck loads for. I spent a hundy on CFls and grew a fucking fantastic over one ounce 18" plant. LEDs......NO THANKKS I could fucking own a company that makes CFLs for the amount of money those things are.


Well-Known Member
Heres my assessment of the photospresented

1/ You can clearly see from this pic

that the LEDs are supplimental lighting to what looks like an HPS. The LED light is so weak in comparrison to the yellower lighting and is barely lighting the tops over top of the 'other' lights.

2/ The weed in the corner of this pic

are barely getting any light at all.

3/ In this one...

You get that color with LEDs when its mixed in with another white light as in a multi lit situation.

Same with this pic

4/ Says on the website advertising this light that this 300 watt LED light exceeds the output of 1000 Watt HID grow lights. Whether that is true is something to be tested, I would assume if the lumens per square foot output is better than that of a 1000 watt HPS, there would be no need for two of them in this small hydro set up

5/ Except for the Cree styled LEDS, most standard LEDs from 1mm to 10mm are generally directional. So if the dimensions of this lights is 480 x 314, AND it outputs the same or more than a 1000 watt HPS, then it will only do that covering an area not much more larger than the dimensions of the lamp since 99% of LED intensity is directly in the direction the LED is being aimed.

6/ Its these types of hyped up overstatements that are stunting the growth of LED technology. People are being tricked into purchasing lights that are supposed to pull a rabbit out of the hat in watts per lumen output. While this light will veg very well, and I have had good success with a third of the wattage of LEDs myself in vegging, and while it may output more lumens than an HPS, although I doubt it, saying you can buy one and it cover 50 square foot of grow room space is deceptive. Deceptive in, any light lifted high enough will spread out, hell the standard incandescent 80 watt bulb lights the average room...but one of those lamps will not grow big bud at 50 square foot.

The most truthful pic of all the budding pics, and is typical of any con to have some truth mixed with bullshit, is this one.

Imagine if you will for a moment, the rest of that plant all the way to the floor. One plant, budding at about 2-3 inches below a light thats 40cm x 30cm. Yeah thats about right.


Well-Known Member
The 4th and 6th pictures in his link look to have "supplemental" HPS lighting. Oh, and all of these were uploaded yesterday. Plus the hinky looking text over the photos......

I'm not usually one to jump to conclusions, but this is far from the convincing evidence this community needs to jump on the LED bandwagon. Where's the grow journal to go with these pictures?



stays relevant.
I love to pretend... but i'm calling bullshit on this one. Sounds too much like an endorsement. LOL.