If you voted for Obama, you've the right to remain silent


Well-Known Member
Your convictions blow with the wind. No wonder you despise a consummate conservative like Palin. Go fly a kite.:joint:

(PS- Kerry, not an idiot? Says a lot about you...)
My convictions blow to you because they don't conform to all the same right wing convictions you are told to have. Palin is a consummate conservative so thats why you worship her? Palin is simply a right wing parrot that looks good in a skirt. There are plenty of consummate conservatives for you righties to worship out there. Plenty that have more to bring to the table than Palin too. If Sarah Palin looked like Barbara Bush, I wonder if she would be so popular?

BTW, Kerry was a douche, not an idiot. There is a difference..


Well-Known Member
My convictions blow to you because they don't conform to all the same right wing convictions you are told to have. Palin is a consummate conservative so thats why you worship her? Palin is simply a right wing parrot that looks good in a skirt. There are plenty of consummate conservatives for you righties to worship out there. Plenty that have more to bring to the table than Palin too. If Sarah Palin looked like Barbara Bush, I wonder if she would be so popular?

BTW, Kerry was a douche, not an idiot. There is a difference..
The only conviction you seem to have is a conviction to be convictionless. Your voting record merely reflects this populist sentiment. Although you made some positive contributions to this society, (Bush's first term vote, thanks man), it was not due to serious introspection and a thorough examination of the man for which you cast your vote. If it was, you wouldn't have flip-flopped (pun intended) and voted for Kerry next, based on, "Bush was an idiot", which just happens to be the image conveyed by the leftist media. If Bush was an idiot, why did he garner your vote? If you didn't know if Bush was an idiot or not, why did he garner your vote? Why did you vote against McCain because Palin was/is an idiot, when you have been shown to be a poor judge of intelligence already?


Well-Known Member
The only conviction you seem to have is a conviction to be convictionless. Your voting record merely reflects this populist sentiment. Although you made some positive contributions to this society, (Bush's first term vote, thanks man), it was not due to serious introspection and a thorough examination of the man for which you cast your vote. If it was, you wouldn't have flip-flopped (pun intended) and voted for Kerry next, based on, "Bush was an idiot", which just happens to be the image conveyed by the leftist media. If Bush was an idiot, why did he garner your vote? If you didn't know if Bush was an idiot or not, why did he garner your vote? Why did you vote against McCain because Palin was/is an idiot, when you have been shown to be a poor judge of intelligence already?

So you are pretty much admitting that hell and high water you are sticking to that party line vote! That because i don't I don't have convictions! HAHAHA :clap: Yeah thats the way to do it. Stick with the herd you poor sheep. It is right where you need to be.

I voted for Bush in 2000 for several reasons. Not so much for anything Bush was bringing to the table But because I really did not care for Al Gore mostly for his environmental agenda. An agenda being pushed now by Liberals which i will never defend. But Bush was no conservative. He signed the biggest entitlement since LBJ with his medicare act. Got us involved in an unnecessary and expensive war of choice. The list goes on... That is FAR from conservative and the entire time YOU and your right wing handlers and shepherds were SILENT!!!!!!! So fucking spare me your conservative bull shit now because it isn't what you care about.

I am an excellent judge of intelligence. Had the qualifications for the VP needed to be a good looking MILF to read sports scores on the evening news i would have voted for McCain. Because thats what Palin is qualified for. You righties are just too infatuated with her to know that memorizing a bunch of GOP talking points for a speach is nothing spectacular and certainly nothing that makes you qualified to be President of the United States of America should the 72 year President keel over.


Well-Known Member
So you are pretty much admitting that hell and high water you are sticking to that party line vote! That because i don't I don't have convictions! HAHAHA :clap: Yeah thats the way to do it. Stick with the herd you poor sheep. It is right where you need to be.

I voted for Bush in 2000 for several reasons. Not so much for anything Bush was bringing to the table But because I really did not care for Al Gore mostly for his environmental agenda. An agenda being pushed now by Liberals which i will never defend. But Bush was no conservative. He signed the biggest entitlement since LBJ with his medicare act. Got us involved in an unnecessary and expensive war of choice. The list goes on... That is FAR from conservative and the entire time YOU and your right wing handlers and shepherds were SILENT!!!!!!! So fucking spare me your conservative bull shit now because it isn't what you care about.

I am an excellent judge of intelligence. Had the qualifications for the VP needed to be a good looking MILF to read sports scores on the evening news i would have voted for McCain. Because thats what Palin is qualified for. You righties are just too infatuated with her to know that memorizing a bunch of GOP talking points for a speach is nothing spectacular and certainly nothing that makes you qualified to be President of the United States of America should the 72 year President keel over.
Bush over Gore. Easy call.

Bush over Kerry. Easy Call.

McCain over Obama. Easy call.

Conviction was knowing that a Gore, a Kerry, or an Obama win would be a devastating set back for the private sector and personal liberty, generally. You see what I'm saying, now that you have hindsight as your witness?


Well-Known Member
Bush over Gore. Easy call.

Bush over Kerry. Easy Call.

McCain over Obama. Easy call.

Conviction was knowing that a Gore, a Kerry, or an Obama win would be a devastating set back for the private sector and personal liberty, generally. You see what I'm saying, now that you have hindsight as your witness?
Im not in the business of excusing and praising a system that goes completely against my personal convictions. You claim to be a conservative. But will defend until you are blue in the face non-conservative actions just because they were were perpetrated under the banner of conservatism. Thats not conviction. Thats just being a political stooge.

The setback I see is the biggest recession this country has had in 30 years. The setback I see for personal liberty is things such as the patriot act which was pushed by your beloved GOP president and his congress. The setback i see is an unnecessary war in Iraq that will cost a Trillion dollars before its over and has already claimed the lives of over 5,000 service men and women.

Tell me something. Do you also agree with your messiah Ronald Reagan when he said "marijuana may be the most dangerous drug of all"?


Well-Known Member
Im not in the business of excusing and praising a system that goes completely against my personal convictions. You claim to be a conservative. But will defend until you are blue in the face non-conservative actions just because they were were perpetrated under the banner of conservatism. Thats not conviction. Thats just being a political stooge.

The setback I see is the biggest recession this country has had in 30 years. The setback I see for personal liberty is things such as the patriot act which was pushed by your beloved GOP president and his congress. The setback i see is an unnecessary war in Iraq that will cost a Trillion dollars before its over and has already claimed the lives of over 5,000 service men and women.

Tell me something. Do you also agree with your messiah Ronald Reagan when he said "marijuana may be the most dangerous drug of all"?
I claim to be a conservative. Bush allowing Kennedy to craft the Education Bill was a travesty. Bush was on the wrong side of illegal immigration. Bush was a fool to enact Medicare D. Bush was imbecilic in his support of TARP. The auto bailout was a disaster. Yada yada. And you abandoned him, and, maliciously malign him for doing it (some of it, presumably).

Obama has accelerated and expanded on all of this. He said he would. He has. And you stood idylly by, contented to disdane Palin for her resume, McCain for his age, while attacking Bush's intelligence, a man you previously voted for, and supporting a man who had not a chance of winning, which you could not care less about. You gave Obama the pass which you withheld from others. And now you feign interest in the countries future. What character does that show? What integrity, what ideals? What conviction? None, say I.

No, I don't agree with your quote. When did Reagan supposedly say that? GOOGLE couldn't match it, but what does GOOGLE know?


Well-Known Member
Well now at least we are getting somewhere. So you didn't agree with everything Bush stood for. Yet i abandoned him. HAHAHAHA you are hilarious! You damn right I turn my back on politicians who not only don't align with my beliefs but don't even align with their own supposed agendas. I also NEVER claimed to be a conservative. In fact I even said I define myself as LEFT of center. I damn sure hold no allegiance to any political party in this country.

As for Obama, Im not defending him nor have i given him a pass on anything. With the exception of my simple comment that I feel no less secure with Obama in office than I would with McCain in office and Palin on standby. Spare me the neocon drivel like you hold some kind of patriotic high ground.

If you want to be a Republican stooge, thats fine. If you want to complain about Obama and Democrats thats fine too. But don't come on here and try to sell me on your rage in the name of conservatism. Then sit here and defend and even praise the previous administration which was anything but conservative.

BTW, the Reagan quote was very clearly stated in the documentary "The Union"


Active Member
Why does one have to remain silent if they voted for Obama? Is it not ok to criticize those in power? Those that voted for him did not marry him. If you mess up, lie, and commit crimes should the voters look the other way as the Republicans did after Bush went hay wire and did the same while invading other countries as if he were Hitler while everyone but France applauded. You should not support corruption unless you wanted it. Bush stood by as the senate looked into steroids in baseball. Really, the economy was about to take a shit but they were worried about a sport. I wish I could have voted for Paul, unfortunately the rep nominee went to a man that has way too many opinions on things that are not the governments business. His wife is also a drug trafficker (alcohol), he will never be lieniant on other drugs competing with their business, he would only cause more arrests and ruined lives, maybe not yours but I guess that doesn't matter as most conservatives usually don't care about other people. He had many opinions on MMA and wanted to stop it as he was a boxing fan. He also was in support of prop 102 in AZ. The anti gay marriage bill pushed by him and his conservative christian buddies. Not a big deal but I thought conservatives are for less gov't intervention, maybe they forgot that year. It's great to have opinions but stay the F out of our lives and run the F-ing country. When the republican nominee can stop trying to control the lives of others through prohibition, be it drugs or strip clubs, I might vote for one again. Until I can retire and move to a free country (15 more long yrs) I will have to fly under the radar here in this not so free, conservative country.

Illegal Smile

Obama has already lost a third of the support he had when taking office. Those people aren't being silent.

Illegal Smile

I'm really curious, how do you interpret that? Is it a good thing or a bad thing?
How could you have any doubt? Of course I think the more support Obama loses the better, right down to zero. Hey, there's a new nickname...



How could you have any doubt? Of course I think the more support Obama loses the better, right down to zero. Hey, there's a new nickname...

Yeah that's what I thought...

Interesting his initial supporters wouldn't support policies he supports... isn't it?

Illegal Smile

Yeah that's what I thought...

Interesting his initial supporters wouldn't support policies he supports... isn't it?
The defectors were never supporters. They were just dupees. Now they see what a crock it all was.


The defectors were never supporters. They were just dupees. Now they see what a crock it all was.
You realize the parallels between what you just said and "Christians who were never really Christians", don't you?

Illegal Smile

You realize the parallels between what you just said and "Christians who were never really Christians", don't you?
You're making much less sense than usual today, must be smoking something good. I have no idea what you mean by the christian thing. You mean many christians like to say how they are good christians but others aren't? What does that have to do with Obama supporters? The defectors, those who supported him in the election, are self-identifying themselves as not supporting him now. His approval rating is down to 44%. He has totally lost the independents who voted for him and is now seeing erosion of his democrat support.


The defectors, those who supported him in the election, are self-identifying themselves as not supporting him now.
Then how does this whole "liberal media" conspiracy thing you guys keep bringing up, and how FNC is the only station out there who presents the facts, amongst all the others, have any truth to it at all?

Also, I was pointing out the difference in ideologies, dogmas, between the left base and the right base, when an elected official on the left does something stupid/says something stupid, like Obama's administration has done, the base notices. Could you honestly say the same thing for the right base of supporters?


Active Member
His stance on public education
Environmental policies
The public insurance option
His opinion on marijuana :eyesmoke:
Pro-choice and pro-life
Not another zealot

Plus someone from the green party in the office would have a snowball's chance in hell. I can settle for 2nd place. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
His stance on public education
Environmental policies
The public insurance option
His opinion on marijuana :eyesmoke:
Pro-choice and pro-life
Not another zealot

Plus someone from the green party in the office would have a snowball's chance in hell. I can settle for 2nd place. :blsmoke:

Obama is the BIGGEST F#$!?*& liar I have ever seen.

Medical [URL="https://www.rollitup.org/"][URL="https://www.rollitup.org/"]marijuana[/URL] Supporters 'Outraged' By Obama's DEA Chief[/URL] :finger:

Medical [URL="https://www.rollitup.org/"]marijuana[/URL] supporters say they are "outraged" over President Obama's re-appointment of Bush Administration holdover Michele Leonhart as chief of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

"The retention of this Bush-era holdover is a profound disappointment to all of us who hoped that Obama would bring meaningful change to Washington," lamented Dale Gieringer, director of California NORML (National Organization for the Reform of [URL="https://www.rollitup.org/"]marijuana[/URL] Laws).

​Leonhart is to blame for having blocked the approval of a medical [URL="https://www.rollitup.org/"]marijuana[/URL] research garden requested by leading researcher Dr. Lyle Craker at the University of Massachusetts, overruling a decision by DEA administrative law judge Mary Ellen Bittner.

​Leonhart's action effectively blocked the development of [URL="https://www.rollitup.org/"]marijuana[/URL] for FDA approval, since without licensed producers FDA development and approval are impossible.

"If there's one thing on which supporters and critics of medical [URL="https://www.rollitup.org/"]marijuana[/URL] agree, it's the need for FDA studies," Gieringer said.

"This appointment calls into question whether the administration has any desire to move towards FDA regulation or abandon the bankrupt policies of its predecessors."

California NORML is calling on the U.S. Senate to "reconsider" Leonhart's nomination in view of her damaging -- and ongoing -- opposition to medical [URL="https://www.rollitup.org/"]marijuana[/URL] research.