If you think you know!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
If youthink you can help please do... I have ebb n grow, I am running GH series flora nova, with flora blend, floralicious plus, cal mag, flora nectar. also add H2o2 every two days for added oxygen. the girls have been in bloom for 9 days and are still showing some signs of nutrient probs the ppm is at 1115 and ph between 5.8 - 6.3, water temp stays about 78 degrees farenheit. it is a 55 gal res. air temp at 76-78 degrees humidity at 40-50%.... since in flower and 12/12 cycle, the water cycle feeds for 15 min before they turn on and every 2 hours there after until lights shut off then feeds twice while they are off to keep roots moist. all feedings are on 15 min cycle.
So if you think that yuou can help an ol' fella out it would be appreciated. THANKS!



Well-Known Member
Are you using RO water? If you are using tap water, it is probably the Cal-Mag causing the problem. Tap water has plenty of calcium in it, usually too much. This will cause lock outs of mg, etc. This is what it looks like is happening. At least to me.

Also, I'd bring your pH down just a bit. On my drip system, with the GH Flora series nutes, I run mine at like 5.4-5.8. I think the combo of the pH plus the excess of calcium from using the Cal-Mag is what is causing your problem.