If you live in kern county


Well-Known Member
All you have to do is CALL THEM, EMAIL THEM and tell them "You reside in Kern County and I am a medicinal marijuana patient, please do not ban collectives or you will not have my vote next election!"

Now is the time to work together towards a common goal.

Let's make our voices heard Bakersfield.

Attend the Board of Supervisors Meeting on August 2nd at 1115 Truxun Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301

Jon McQuiston, First District Supervisor (661) 868-3650 [email protected]

Zack Scrivner, Second District Supervisor (661) 868-3660 [email protected]

Mike Maggard, Third District Supervisor (661) 868-3670 [email protected]

Ray Watson, Fourth District Supervisor (661) 868-3680 FAX: (661) 868-3688 [email protected]

Karen Goh, Fifth District Supervisor (661) 868-3690 [email protected]

wow, they want it underground with out tax? Same in my area and my county is flat broke and we tell them we can get $100,000 a year in dispensary and plant tax tax, fee, use permits, something....anything so the library wont shut down.
Tax is not always a bad thing, sure the individual should be exempt but a "Business" should pay something.

Iv actually been told some county departments would reject funding from dispensary tax and pass it along to "Drug and alcohol programs" also offensive.
ya the shops in kern county net 1 mill in taxes for the county...kinda seems stupid and our sheriff is a tard and a half
the gov't is out to knock back what is going to be weather they like it or not

the board had nothing to back there arguments on why to close the shops
ya the shops in kern county net 1 mill in taxes for the county...kinda seems stupid and our sheriff is a tard and a half
the gov't is out to knock back what is going to be weather they like it or not

the board had nothing to back there arguments on why to close the shops

Youngblood needs to fix his own family drug prob before talking all this nonsense!you are right nothing to back up their statements.where is all this crime?we will see what happens next at next weeks meeting.
Fk Yong blood he's a drity cop no werries thay are not going to do anything to much money involved and Kern county is broke and thay need are money it's just to scare people. Anyone from Kern county hit me up and add me. Over grow the government that's how u beat them plus thay have no room in jail so thay jst kick u out anyways I'm not triping ....anyone got picks off there grow tent set up
Become involved, make a REAL difference - AND FORCE CHANGE:SIGN THE REFERENDUM

(Download the Referendum in a Zip file)(see the Referendum)After extending ourselves - in every possible manner - in the complete absence of an interested, caring, and cooperative City Council - made up of Local District Supervisors, and THEIR ARROGANT ATTORNEYS - we are faced with FORCING the ensuing LEGAL and POLITICAL action:
  • File Class-Action Lawsuit
  • Gather 20,000 Signed Referendums
  • Conduct an election - for local residents
1). File a Class Action Lawsuit

Through the concerted efforts by the cooperative collectives and patients locally - a powerful, and focused effort has already begun - with local Attorney Phil Ganong, PAC "California Cannabis Coalition", and a Statewide network of legal consultants - a Class Action Lawsuit will be filed - to restrain - and end these outrageous ordinances.2). Gather Signatures FOR AN ELECTION

Present step underway - gathering 20,000 signatures - FROM LOCAL KERN COUNTY RESIDENT REGISTERED VOTERS. It is imperative that ANYONE who wants to sign this Referendum - HAS TO BE A LOCAL RESIDENT - who is REGISTERED TO VOTE. We can provide the forms - to enable them to REGISTER - but THEY MUST FILL IT OUT - and THEY MUST MAIL IT FIRST!!!
(We provide them with both - the Referendum - AND - the Voter Registration Forms - if they're NOT already registered)

Join an activism Team to help get signatures! With a conservative estimate - of over 20,000 PATIENTS here in Kern County - and just getting 5 other signatures each - we can without question - attain the necessary signatures - TO FORCE AN ELECTION. This IS a tremendous amount of work - and it WILL NOT HAPPEN - unless you get up off your but - and MAKE IT HAPPEN!!! You HAVE to become involved. You HAVE to get signatures. You HAVE to work very hard - to MAKE THIS HAPPEN.
It CAN be done - and we have the guidance and SUCCESSFUL TRACK RECORD of the PAC. All we have to do is - DO IT
3). Conduct the ELECTION

Using this already successful political model - we will gather the necessary signatures - to FORCE AN ELECTION.
This will give EVERY SINGLE LOCAL PATIENT & VOTER the right to vote and have their
voices heard - and OBEYED! In addition - it will force the County MILLIONS OF DOLLARS - they DON'T HAVE - to carry out and conduct this election.
It is this heavy handed approach - necessitated ONLY by the County Council, and it's defiant, arrogant LEGAL ATTORNEY'S STANCE - that forces such unpleasant - costly - LEGAL & POLITICAL ACTION.
It's time to END the complete and visible indifference of these ORDINANCES - and FORCE THE COUNTY COUNSEL to listen to, and OBEY the NEEDS & RIGHTS of our suffering patients - and the overwhelming outcry by the local citizens of Kern County - AGAINST THESE INHUMANE ORDINANCES.
(Download this TIMELINE to PRINT and PASS OUT)
A new Hydro Store opened in Ridgecrest so if you live out that way come check it out 332 W.Ridgecrest Blvd
What else is there to fucking do in Kern County besides smoke copious amounts of bud?

They need MORE shops.

Remington hot springs +10 other good ones , sequoias , rock climbing, running the river , get out of the fucking house kern county is amazing and I dont live there but wish I did
I'm not from the area, but i want to praise your effort here. You seem to have a real plan of attack all set up and ready to go that could actually succeed(i hope it does for sure). alot of the threads i see like this do not. Nice job.
thx we won that battle but now theres that whole cracking down on cali thing,here they are shutting down the ones that are operating illegal they already gave them the 45 day letter,but some clubs are being untouced for now.thx for the kind words.