if you had to torture someone. HOW?


Well-Known Member
push tacks underneath their finger/ toe nails. other than that, you can have fun in a woodshop or metal shop...


I had this discussion once in Religious Education at school once to piss the teacher off......me and a few mates came up with the idea for pedophiles and rapists too:

cut there finger tips off with a blunt saw bit by bit until it got to there knuckles and dip them in Vinegar and then cheese grate there knob and give it the vinegar treatment too, then sit all there close family in front of them and pour petrol all over them and tease the peado by lighting up a big fat one then stick there feet into a blender cut there eye lids off so they had to watch it all, then whack the shit out of them with a bull whip then nail em to a cross then start amputating other limbs with the rust saw then cut there dick and balls off and force them to eat it then set fire to them to watch them burn alive and scream like the dirty fuckers they are.

You could say im sick but I think they should leave me in charge of world justice, suffice to say my teacher wasn't too impressed!
I like your idea :evil: but instead of vinegar use lye. lye creates a chemical burn, you need vinegar to neutralize the chemical burn... :twisted:


Well-Known Member
I would set up a clever weight and pully system that would cause extreme pain whenever the victim moves.

I would set up an intense psychological torture system that would be guaranteed to rob someone of their sanity.

I would make sure that all the torture is mostly caused by the victims own panic, I wouldn't have to lift a finger. If there's anything I've learned from this reality it's that most peoples suffering is caused by their own hand, I'd definitely take advantage of that human weakness.

The movie Saw is a comedy compared to what I'm thinking of. I'm thinkin complete torture totality.


Well-Known Member
Couldn't make it past the first page. I think if I would've read or tres mas pages it would've killed my high completely. Some pretty cruel and creative ways to torture people.

I think a hot piece of metal to the genital region would do the trick almost any time.


Well-Known Member
the worst torture i can think of is being locked in a room with headphones on and someone playing born in the usa by bruce springstein constantly 24/7


Well-Known Member
throw ninja knives at their hands and pin them to the wall spread eagle and baseball bat them in the stomach until they passed out
then i'd drop them in mcdonalds and they'd cut them up and serve them as a mcdouble


Well-Known Member
Actually that's how I do it... bongsmilie
American lighters must be easier to spark, health and safety gone mad over here, the spinning wheel has to be pushed towards the flint and pressure added while flicking, some lighters are so difficult to use now its ridiculous. Child safe lighters!!! Have you heard of 'clipper' lighters? Biggest brand over here and just about impossible to use nowadays.


Well-Known Member
no sex forever. while hot babes walk by him evry second willing to have sex but he cant.. ahahaha... torture pure.


Everyone has written a clever reply...

Personally... re: torture, I can't bear to hear screaming while I am *busy* so duct tape + their dirty sock balled up in their mouth is mandatory. From there I go for very soft tissue... ex. armpits, inside of elbows, inside of knees. Whole layers of flesh can be taken from these places without severe bleeding... which is good for "torture". As for extreme... opening up the abdomen and pulling out intestine from the victim and in front of the eyes is very torturous... and death wont come as quickly as some other examples.

This kind of shit I would only do on a dirty "foreign" terrorist, or a cheating GF...


Well-Known Member
Everyone has written a clever reply...

Personally... re: torture, I can't bear to hear screaming while I am *busy* so duct tape + their dirty sock balled up in their mouth is mandatory. From there I go for very soft tissue... ex. armpits, inside of elbows, inside of knees. Whole layers of flesh can be taken from these places without severe bleeding... which is good for "torture". As for extreme... opening up the abdomen and pulling out intestine from the victim and in front of the eyes is very torturous... and death wont come as quickly as some other examples.

This kind of shit I would only do on a dirty "foreign" terrorist, or a cheating GF...
funny to think that what you describe was common place in England during the middle ages. People were slit open and given their intestines to carry around the town of their crime/execution. That was just for starters!!!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
strong rope around the bullbag and cock, then drag them up the motorway 20 mile an hour or so.