If you had to stick with One flowering nutrient for the rest of your life...


Ursus marijanus
Monopotassium phosphate ... cn
Since I'm allowed a different veg nute, I'll use some of that to "fill in" N, Mg etc. requirements.


Active Member
I study lights, not nutes, but I do use them.

A little confused by the wording of the question.

Is this a single additive for bloom to be used with our regular regimen? or are you asking about a stand alone flower nutrient mix?

I'm not any help, but am curious all the same. I tried additives a few years back and found them disappointing. Science marches on and it has been more than a few years since then actually.


Well-Known Member
I'm talking about using your regular medium(the place where you find results).

What one flowering nutrient would you use if only given one?