If you get caught


Well-Known Member
no . . . you're totally free to do whatever you want . . . its a national forest . . right?

edit: all I ever hear about is the DEA going after people growing on national forest land. usually they don't prosecute anyone, but if you're caught you bet your ass you're federally charged.


Well-Known Member
Just don't pull a gun on the warden and tell them you know where they live, and they won't call in the National Guard.
Thats the problem in some of the National Forests in the west. A Federal charge for sure. Be stealth and prepared to except a loss, leave no trace that will return to you.


Well-Known Member

i met a guy that did 1 year min man sentence for 1 joint in a state park camping
People go to a park to chill and have a good time and they don't realize they face Federal prosecution for what they may be doing. Sorry to hear about your friend, that is terrible.:peace:


Well-Known Member
tread lightly, leave no foot print on the land. Your grow should leave mother nature better then when you got there, no one will notice if thats the case.

edit: though personally I wouldnt grow anywhere like that.


Well-Known Member
tread lightly, leave no foot print on the land. Your grow should leave mother nature better then when you got there, no one will notice if thats the case.

edit: though personally I wouldnt grow anywhere like that.
I just wanna go carve yosemite or something on my freelines (or future carveboard........someday)

edit: while smoking a fatty of course.